"Write once, Run never again" Hadoop user group uk: dumbo #!/bin/bash hadoop jar hadoop streaming.jar \ -input /user/openmaru/input/sample.txt \ -output /user/openmaru/output \ -mapper \ -reducer\ -file \ -file hadoop dfs -cat output/part >./bulk.sql mysql -uuser -ppasswd -Ddb <./bulk.sql #!/bin/bash hadoop jar hadoop streaming.jar \ -input /user/openmaru/input/sample.txt \ -output /user/openmaru/output \ -mapper \ -reducer\ -file \ -file hadoop dfs -cat output/part >./bulk.sql mysql -uuser -ppasswd -Ddb <./bulk.sql Sample.txt This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of Sample.txt This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of
StorageStorage Map & Reduce HDFSHDFS line worker … SQL local write reduce reduce map map map reduce reduceNum=1 This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of 160: This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in 228: which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, 293: possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of for line in sys.stdin: m = re.match('^.*\[([0-9]*)/([a-zA-z]*)/([0-9]*)\].*query=(.*)start*$', line date = parse(m) # parse year, month, day to date query = urllib.unquote(‘&’, 1)[0]) print ‘%s_%s\t%s' % (date, query, count) access.log query=%EC%98%A4%ED%94%88%EB%A7%88%EB%A3%A8&start=0&c ount= [30/Sep/2008:00:10: ] "GET / ount=5&……&groupby=1 HTTP/1.1" "\xeb\x8f\x84\xec\x8b\x9c" “ " _dict = {} for line in sys.stdin: key, value = line.strip().split('\t') _dict[key] = _dict.get(key, 0) + value for key, value in _dict.iteritems(): print key.split(‘_’,1), int(value) _ 동방신기 동방신기 동방신기 동방신기 동방신기 30
Wrapper map/reduce (for streaming) ProcessBuilder ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(); builder.environment().putAll(…); sim = builder.start(); clientOut_ = new DataOutputStream(…); clientIn_ = new DataInputStream(…); clientErr_ = new DataInputStream(…); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(); builder.environment().putAll(…); sim = builder.start(); clientOut_ = new DataOutputStream(…); clientIn_ = new DataInputStream(…); clientErr_ = new DataInputStream(…); write(key); clientOut_.write('\t'); write(value); clientOut_.write('\n'); write(key); clientOut_.write('\t'); write(value); clientOut_.write('\n');
StorageStorage Map & Reduce HDFSHDFS line worker … map map map input-stream Mapper.pyforkoutput-stream input-stream forkinput-stream forkoutput-stream Reducer.pyfork
Legacy Database Web Servers Hadoop Cluster HDFSHDFS apache … Map & Reduce MySQLMySQL hadoop dfs -copyFromLocal bulk.sql mysql < bulk.sql cron cron cron stat_term_count { date char(8) term varchar(512) count int } date char(8) term varchar(512) count int } stat_term_count { date char(8) term varchar(512) count int } date char(8) term varchar(512) count int } #!/bin/bash TextInputFormat inputformat="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat" TextOutputFormat outputformat="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextOutputFormat" HashPartitioner partitioner="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.HashPartitioner“ 20 rednum="20" TYPE=single cmdenv="TYPE=single“ hadoop jar hadoop streaming.jar \ … -numReduceTasks $rednum \ -inputformat $inputformat \ -outputformat $outputformat \ -jobconf $tasknum \ -cmdenv $cmdenv for i in $(seq 0 19); do num=`printf "%05d" $i` hadoop dfs -cat output/part-$num >>./bulk.sql done mysql -uchef -pzjvl -Dtest < bulk.sql #!/bin/bash TextInputFormat inputformat="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat" TextOutputFormat outputformat="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextOutputFormat" HashPartitioner partitioner="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.HashPartitioner“ 20 rednum="20" TYPE=single cmdenv="TYPE=single“ hadoop jar hadoop streaming.jar \ … -numReduceTasks $rednum \ -inputformat $inputformat \ -outputformat $outputformat \ -jobconf $tasknum \ -cmdenv $cmdenv for i in $(seq 0 19); do num=`printf "%05d" $i` hadoop dfs -cat output/part-$num >>./bulk.sql done mysql -uchef -pzjvl -Dtest < bulk.sql _type = 'single' if "TYPE" in os.environ: _type = os.environ["TYPE"] …reduce code… print 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s (…);‘ print 'SET NAMES UTF8;‘ print 'LOCK TABLES %s WRITE;' % (table) for key, value in dict: date, query = key.split(‘_’, 1) count = int(value) print "INSERT INTO %s VALUES ('%s', '%s', %d);" % (table, date, query, count) print 'UNLOCK TABLES;'
datanode: 4 reducenum: 1 logfile size: access.log 3.9G upload: 1min (1 replication), 60m/s 4mins, 4sec Finished in: 4mins, 4sec output size: 313,543,415 bluk.sql created datanode: 20 reducenum: 1~20 logfile size: access.log 3.9G upload: 16min (3 replication), 3~4m/s 2mins, 2sec 1mins, 48sec Finished in: 2mins, 2sec (1 rednum), 1mins, 48sec (20 rednum) output size: 313,543,415 bluk.sql created
Hadoop Installation (namenode, jobtracker) debugging Python url-encoding tab (.vimrc) sql (filtering) unicode (mysql)
HADOOP-1328 "reporter:counter:,, “ "reporter:status: " HADOOP-3429 Increased the size of the buffer (128KB) private final static int BUFFER_SIZE = 128 * 1024; clientOut_ = new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(…, BUFFER_SIZE)); HADOOP-3379 default "" "true"
pReducePrograms pReducePrograms mapred.job.tracker, LOG.INFO keep.failed.task.files hadoop org.apache.hadoop.mapred.IsolationRunner../jo b.xml kill -QUIT printStackTrace() jps jstack Reporter Manually python map.out python reducer.out import sys, happy, happy.log class WordCount(happy.HappyJob): def __init__(self, inputpath, outputpath): happy.HappyJob.__init__(self) self.inputpaths = inputpath self.outputpath = outputpath self.inputformat = "text" def map(self, records, task): for _, value in records: for word in value.split(): task.collect(word, "1")
def reduce(self, key, values, task): count = 0; for _ in values: count += 1 task.collect(key, str(count)) happy.results["words"] = happy.results.setdefault("words", 0) + count happy.results["unique"] = happy.results.setdefault("unique", 0) + 1 if __name__ == "__main__": wc = WordCount(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]) results = print str(sum(results["words"])) + " total words" print str(sum(results["unique"])) + " unique words" class Mapper: def __init__(self): file = open("excludes.txt","r") self.excludes = set(line.strip() for line in file) file.close() def map(self,key,value): for word in value.split(): if not (word in self.excludes): yield word,1 def reducer(key,values): yield key,sum(values) if __name__ == "__main__": import dumbo,reducer,reducer)
Performance Tunning Partitioner + Combiner Mahout Clustering Classification Hadoop Pipes Hadoop with C++
Q1. How to use numeric type key in streaming? A1. Currently can’t. only support byte, text Q2. Why don’t use every reducer insert ? A2. Performance problem. So use mysql bulk load Q3. Which is more efficient model between java and python-streaming? A3. Need more testings
HadoopStreaming - Hadoop Wiki HowToDebugMapReducePrograms - Hadoop Wiki from __future__ import dream :: About Hadoop Streaming 900bbd78acbc a bbd78acbc a81 Writing An Hadoop MapReduce Program In Python - Michael G. Noll ram_In_Python ram_In_Python Skills Matter : Hadoop User Group UK:Dumbo: Hadoop streaming ade-elegant-and-easy ade-elegant-and-easy Home — dumbo — GitHub Example programs — dumbo — GitHub Hadoop + Python = Happy