Faster Start-up Direct Control of Heater Surfaces and Product Temperature Reduces Adjustments Required 8 hr 1 hr Conventional Control IR Control
Reduced Scrap Less Product is Scrapped for Adjustments $1000 per set-up Conventional Control IR Control $100 per set-up
Increasing Speeds via Non- Invasive IR-Monitored Heat Balance
Frontiers Principles of the Heat Balance in Time and Space The Speed Boost Equation Balanced Heat Input via IR Control Applications – Laminating, Drying, Printing, Heat Sealing, Color Copying High Speed Event Detection
Principles of the IRt/c: With Heat Balance Automatically Computes Heat Balance, Using Material Properties Alone Can be Configured for Unpowered or Powered Configurations
Non-Invasive Fluid Temperature in Tubing via IRt/c Heat Balance T a T s T f R f R t R o T w Radiation + Convection Heat Transfer q T RRR R TTT f fto o saa
Thermal Energy Balance in Space and Time: The Time Domain Thermal Energy Balance in Space and Time: The Time Domain
Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier Fourier’s Equation of Heat Conduction Unsteady State Heat Conduction for Moving Materials
Pierre Simon Marquis de LaPlace Laplace Transform Method of Solution Converts Partial Differential Equation to Ordinary Differential Equation
Francesco Pompei New Method of Solution Leads to a General Equation for Non-Contact Temperature Monitoring of Internal Temperatures of Moving Materials
Which simplifies to
Deriving The Speed Boost Equation Set the surface temperature equal to the center temperature, then the equation reduces to Since K 2 /K 1 is a function only of material properties and speed:
The Speed Boost Equation General Equation for Non-Contact IR Temperature Monitoring of Internal Temperatures of Moving Materials is Combined with Surface TemperatureGeneral Equation for Non-Contact IR Temperature Monitoring of Internal Temperatures of Moving Materials is Combined with Surface Temperature Leads to Uniform Material Temperature When Controlled via the Speed Boost EquationLeads to Uniform Material Temperature When Controlled via the Speed Boost Equation Which Forces the Control System to Apply Heat at an Optimally Balanced RateWhich Forces the Control System to Apply Heat at an Optimally Balanced Rate The ratio can be formed, which then becomes:
Applying The Speed Boost Equation
Speed Boost Equation is Generally Linear for Most Applications Speed % Increase % Increase
Implementing Speed Boost to Include Non-Linearities Speed % Increase % Increase Apply step-wise speed increases in accordance with speed boost equation, and renormalize at new operating condition to account for property changes. For variable speed systems, program to follow the characteristic curve. Speed Changes Followed by Renormalization
Existing Set-up: T oo = 105 C T s = 85 C T o = 25C New Set-up: T oo = 120 C T s = 85 C T o = 25C Potential Speed Increase*: 25% Example Speed Boost: Laminating *Assuming all other factors are permitting T oo ToToToTo TsTsTsTs
Existing Set-up:Existing Set-up: T oo = 260 C T s = 85 C T o = 25 C New Set-up:New Set-up: T oo = 260 C T s = 85 C T o = 40 C (with preheat) Potential Speed Increase*:Potential Speed Increase*: 33% Example Speed Boost: Drying *Assuming all other factors are permitting ToToToTo T oo TsTsTsTs
Precision Drying Control for Maximum Production Speed Relative Temperatures at IRt/c Locations Dry-Out Point (Phase Change)
Example Speed Boost: Heat Sealing Existing Set-up: T oo = 150 C T s = 120 C T o = 25 C New Set-up: T oo = 150 C T s = 120 C T o = 45 C (with preheat added) Potential Speed Increase: 27% ToToToTo T oo TsTsTsTs
Example: High Speed Color Copy Process Paper Flow Energy Flow ToToToTo T oo TsTsTsTs
Overcoming Thermal Delays due to Mass of Rollers Tw Ts IRt/c. SV To Ts
Speed Boost Equation Above Can Be a Simplified Control Algorithm Keep Equation Balanced to Within a Few % to Avoid Non-Uniformity in Material Temperature Heat Source Temperature Control Loop Gain Product Surface - setpoint Product Input
Existing Set-up: T oo = 105 C T s = 85 C T o = 25C New Set-up: T oo = 120 C T s = 85 C T o = 25C Potential Speed Increase*: 25% Example Speed Boost: Laminating *Assuming all other factors are permitting T oo ToToToTo TsTsTsTs
Existing Set-up:Existing Set-up: T oo = 260 C T s = 85 C T o = 25 C New Set-up:New Set-up: T oo = 260 C T s = 85 C T o = 40 C (with preheat) Potential Speed Increase*:Potential Speed Increase*: 33% Example Speed Boost: Drying *Assuming all other factors are permitting ToToToTo T oo TsTsTsTs
Example Speed Boost: Heat Sealing Existing Set-up: T oo = 150 C T s = 120 C T o = 25 C New Set-up: T oo = 150 C T s = 120 C T o = 45 C (with preheat added) Potential Speed Increase: 27% ToToToTo T oo TsTsTsTs
You Cannot Know For Sure That the Product is Right Unless You Look... With EXERGENIR Sensors