Indicators for Good Governance Richard Murray Swedish Agency for Public Management
Indicators for… Steering Rewarding Controll Mobilising Understanding
…on what level? Micro – agency Meso – policy areas (eduction, transport…) Macro – the government as a whole
Good Governance? Trust of citizens Due process of law Efficient production and programs Democratically controlled Attracting FDI
The Lisbon Agenda – performance of the public sector as a whole
Allocation of resources Health status Educational attainment Crime rate Resources Quality of public administration Size of bureaucracy Transparency (citizens’ survey) Effectiveness of government interventions (implementation) Corruption
…by what means? Organisation Internal regulation of agency work External regulation of agency work Resources: staff, technology Research and development Steering Control Other
Efficiency & effectiveness Rule of law DemocracyEconomic growth International co-operation Organi- sation XX Internal regulation XX External regulation XX Resources: staff, technology XX R & DXX SteeringX Control OtherXX
Efficiency and effectiveness Efficiency (productivity) Quality OutputsCostsCorrectSpeedy Useful/appro priate Service quality Impact
Rule of Law Correct decisions According to the law Identical Foreseea ble Due process Correct handling Transparency Competent staff Appeal Possibilities of appeal Possibility to sue the government
Democracy Political control Loyal civil service Objective and relevant decision preparations Efficient means of steering and control A well coordinated and flexible administration Citizens’ influence Lucid organisation Transparency and openness Means of direct influence Information on citizens’ preferences Possibilities to hold accountable General information on society Democratic attitudes
Basic principle.: comparable with other statistics National Accounts definitions -Delimitation of the public sector -Hours worked -Output, input -Costs -Quality
Education at a glance -Educational levels Labour force surveys Employed Part-time, full-time Sick-leave
Other sources OECD indicators on market regulation World Value Studies Transparency International Competitiveness reports