Hidden Harms in Homes Classrooms
Hand-to-mouth behavior and playing close to the ground. Heavier exposures to environmental toxins, pound for pound, compared to adults Many hours spent in home and school with air that is often 2-5 times more contaminated than outdoor air (US EPA)
NO! Products Have Unlisted Ingredients and Unknown Dangers - According to US EPA, of the 2,863 most commonly used chemicals only 7% have complete toxicity information available - 1 of every 3 cleaning chemicals used in homes and schools cause environmental or health problems
Acid Toilet Bowl Cleaner Carpet Spotter All-purpose cleaner Floor Finish Stripper Disinfectant Oven Cleaners Drain Cleaners
Frequently involved in home poisoning ( many look like food ) Some are very dangerous if accidentally swallowed Irritate skin and eyes Irritating to the lungs Make us cough and choke Reduces indoor air quality Causes health-effects like asthma, allergy, and respiratory irritation
Choose safer cleaning products Create guidelines for green cleaning in your home Choose only Green Seal Products
No carcinogens Not corrosive Non-Toxic to humans and aquatic life Free of ozone depleters, heavy metals, and other harmful chemicals Recyclable packaging Provided in a concentrate Biodegradable
TraditionalGreen Seal 3M All Purpose Cleaner/ DegreaserEcoPure Neutral Multi Use Cleaner/Degreaser Inhalation: Respiratory Tract Irritation: Signs/symptoms may include cough, sneezing, nasal discharge, headache, hoarseness, and nose and throat pain. May be absorbed following inhalation and cause target organ effects Inhalation: Hazardous inhalation is not applicable, but may cause slight irritation. Target Organ Effects: Central Nervous System (CNS) Depression Health Effects: No carcinogens, no targeted organ effects Skin Contact: Severe skin irritation: Signs/symptoms may include localized redness, swelling, itching, dryness, cracking, blistering, and pain Skin Contact: Incidental skin contact is not expected to cause any significant irritation
You need to proactively examine the products you use Many conventional products used in homes and schools are linked to cancer, asthma, respiratory problems, various organ problems, and severe irritation to the skin The environment is also feeling the effects of these toxins in the water, land, and air Green cleaning supplies are proven to be safer for everyone especially children