CERN – European Organization for Nuclear Research Administrative Support - Advanced Information Systems Introduction to Oracle interMedia-Text By Derek Mathieson (AS-IDS)
CERN AIS The Problem Find X by keyword Y SELECT cod FROM bud_codes WHERE desc LIKE ‘%EDH%’; SELECT doc_id FROM edh_docs WHERE UPPER(short_desc) LIKE ‘%PRINTER%’; TOO SLOW! f1
CERN AIS The Solution Oracle inter Media-Text
CERN AIS Searching with interMedia-Text Rewritten query using interMedia- Text. SELECT doc_id FROM edh_docs WHERE CONTAINS( short_desc, ‘%PRINTER%’, 1) > 0; d3, d4, d5
CERN AIS Query Operators Algebraic Dictionary Other
CERN AIS Algebraic Query Operators AND, OR, NOT, MINUS Example: monitor NOT flat AS-IDS OR AS-SAS d6
CERN AIS Dictionary Query Operators ABOUT ABOUT(subatomic particles) matches text on the subject of physics Broader, Narrower, Related or Preferred Term BT(dog) Matches ‘dog’, ‘mammal, ‘animal’ d7
CERN AIS Dictionary Query Operators Stem stem(sing) matches ‘sing’ ‘sung’ or ‘sang’ Synonym SYN(tiger) matches ‘tiger’ ‘cat’, etc. Translated Term TR(chien) matches ‘chien’ or ‘dog’
CERN AIS Other Query Operators fuzzy, soundex ?apply matches ‘apply’ ‘apple’ ‘applied’ ‘April’ Wildcards math%, %day, %th%, _ing name
CERN AIS Other Query Operators NEAR((word1, word2,...) [, max_span [, order]]) NEAR((monday, tuesday, wednesday), 20, TRUE) WITHIN workflow WITHIN TITLE Derek WITHIN AUTHOR WITHIN BOOK Workflow Business process automation…
CERN AIS Sorting by Relevance SELECT doc_id FROM edh_docs WHERE CONTAINS( short_desc, ‘DOG, CAT, MOUSE’, 1) > 0;
CERN AIS Sorting by Relevance SELECT doc_id FROM edh_docs WHERE CONTAINS( short_desc, ‘DOG, CAT, MOUSE’, 1) > 0 ORDER BY SCORE(1) DESC;
CERN AIS Sorting by Relevance SELECT /*+ FIRST_ROWS */ doc_id FROM edh_docs WHERE CONTAINS( short_desc, ‘DOG, CAT, MOUSE’, 1) > 0 ORDER BY SCORE(1) DESC; acid
CERN AIS Creating Indexes Now built in to Oracle kernel NOT automatically updated after DML –Manually refreshed – ctxsrv process create index edh_docs_idx on edh_docs( short_desc ) indextype is ctxsys.context
CERN AIS Data Sources Column data (VARCHAR, CLOB, etc.) Detail Table External File URL
CERN AIS Data Types Text –ASCII, HTML, XML, … Microsoft –RTF, Word, Works, PowerPoint, Excel, Access, … Other –PDF, WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, MacWrite, QuattroPro, dBASE, … Over 160 different File Formats!
CERN AIS Applications EDH Search Screens –Supplier by keyword, or partial address –Budget Code by description –Document by short description –Document by full text? What about YOUR application?
CERN AIS Thank You Browse to: /training/products/intermedia/listing.htm For More Information