Evaluating – Performance Standards 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance1
Evaluating – Performance Standards Daily bus as % of total fleet Full service buses ÷ Total fleet buses Spare bus factor Age of fleet Changes in eligibility 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance2
Evaluating – Performance Standards Students receiving basic home to/from school Students receiving transportation ÷ total enrollment Need to count AM/PM riders at least every 7 weeks 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance3
Evaluating – Performance Standards Transportation Expenditures as % of General Fund Total transportation expenses ÷ General fund budget Impact of transportation on overall district operation Key indicator of operational efficiency 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance4
Evaluating – Performance Standards Average Age of Fleet Age of all fleet buses ÷ Number of fleet buses Balance reliability/ongoing maintenance against capital expenditures Careful life cycle analysis needed to determine balance 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance5
Evaluating – Performance Standards Average Daily Ride Time Average total daily ride time (AM+PM) minutes per student Maximize riders Minimize time AM Run Times PM Run Times TimeRidersTime/Run RouteHSMSESAM timeHSMSESPM TimeAM+PM Minutes# Runs /13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance6
Evaluating – Performance Standards Cost per Contractor-Operated Bus Total spent on contractor services ÷ Total contractor-operated buses Objective analysis of true cost allows district to determine best service model 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance7
Evaluating – Performance Standards Cost per District-Operated Bus Total transportation expenses related to district-operated buses ÷ Total number of daily used buses Objective analysis of true cost allows district to determine best service model 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance8
Evaluating – Performance Standards Cost per Mile Operated Total transportation expenses ÷ Total annual miles – district and contractor Basic measurement of cost efficiency of a pupil transportation program. Baseline cost comparison across districts 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance9
Evaluating – Performance Standards Deadhead Miles per Bus Annual deadhead miles for buses – district/contractor ÷ Number of daily buses - district/contractor (Miles driven without students – negative value) Efficiency indicator of transportation services. Reduces fuel consumption, vehicle maintenance, and other operating costs. 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance10
Evaluating – Performance Standards Fleet In-Service Number of buses out of service on a daily basis for any reason ÷ Total number of buses – district/contractor Measure of district’s transportation maintenance program 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance11
Evaluating – Performance Standards Live Miles per Bus Annual live miles for buses – district/contract ÷ Number of daily buses – district/contract Captures productive use of buses Maximize productive time Minimize non-productive time 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance12
Evaluating – Performance Standards Mechanics per Bus Total mechanics and helpers responsible to service school buses ÷ Total number of buses e.g. 4 mechanics ÷ 75 school bus =.053 mechanics per bus Indicates level of staffing needed for bus maintenance Compare staffing with other similar operations (fleets) What is similar? Miles, buses, mechanics, etc. 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance13
Evaluating – Performance Standards Miles between Accidents (Crashes) Total number of annual miles ÷ Number of annual accidents Provides overall measure of safety and trust 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance14
Evaluating – Performance Standards Miles between Preventable Accidents (Crashes) Total annual miles – district/contract ÷ Number of preventable accidents (crashes) Accident awareness and prevention can reduce liability exposure to a district 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance15
Evaluating – Performance Standards Total Miles per Bus Annual total miles for buses – district/contract ÷ Number of daily buses – district/contract Efficiency indicator for transportation services by equating miles costs Contract services may have mileage limit requirements Component of a bus replacement plan 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance16
Evaluating – Performance Standards On-Time Performance (10 minutes) Average time of buses arriving within 10 minutes of scheduled arrival time Success transportation service has in staying on published arrival schedule 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance17
Evaluating – Performance Standards Runs per Day Total number of daily scheduled runs ÷ Total number of buses – district/contract Captures how well district uses its buses Efficiencies are gained when a bus is used multiple times 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance18
Evaluating – Performance Standards Average Number of Students per Bus Number of expected riders on a daily basis ÷ Total number of buses – district/contract Basic measure of cost efficiency Baseline comparison across districts 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance19
Touch HERE to move on toHERE Evaluating – Legislation Review 3/13/2012Part II Evaluating - Fleet Performance20