Progress on higher education reforms and the implementation of the Bologna process Ministry of Education, Republic of Moldova
Statistics 34 universities ( 19 public i 15 privates) with students students cycle I - license ( bachelor) students cycle II (master s Degree studies) 28,1 % students on public budget ( ) 71,9% students – tuition fees 292 students per inhabitants 76 graduates per inhabitants 6100 – teachers 2174 – teachers- part time 2958 ( 36% ) – PhD(doctors degree) 542 (6,5% ) doctors habilitat
Professional development The higher education system in the country ensures the preparation of specialists in about 184 specialties. The distribution of students on fundamental domains is the following : Education 17,2% Humanitarian Sciences and Arts 5,6% Social Sciences, Economy and Law 33,0% Sciences 5,9 % Engineering, Processing Technologies, Arhitecture and Constructions 28,2 % Agriculture 2,10% Medicine 3,2% Services 4,8%
National Context Structure of higher education – similar to the european one ( Bachelor/Licence-Master-Doctorat ( Cycle I-Cycle II-Doctorat) New Nomenclature of domains and specialties for higher education ISCED97 and EUROSTAT New generations of education plans were developed, elaborated in accordance with the Plan-frame, analyitical programs were revised ECTS implementation -100% in all institutions and all programs Implementation of the Supliment to the Diploma -100% to all graduates in official and English languages Clasificators of specialties and study programs in accordance with ISCED97 Implementation of the European System of Transferable Credits and of distance- learning as a form of higher education studies Created on each university own management structures of quality Development of National Qualifications Framework
Engagements regarding NQF Implementation of objectives of Bologna process European Qualifications Framework Recomendation of European Parliament and Council (2008)- establishment of EQF for LLL
Stages of development of NQF and NQFHE Structure of NQF for HE ( nr.369 din ) Existing Service for NQF ( ) Establishment of universities centres for coordination process on development NQFHE Defined projects of fundamental domains and specialties
NQF : development process NQF -8 levels in according with EQF Common language to describe the qualifications for all levels One single structure encompassing formal, nonformal and informal learning Qualifications levels for higher education 6,7 and 8 Coordination/Adoption by social partners Adoption by universities senats Adoption of NQF- common reference (Ministerial Council)
NQF structure common reference General context Glosary Scope, objectives, principles and functions of NQF Structure NQF Final decisions Table nr.1 – ocupational descriptors Table nr.2 descriptors for defining a levels of NQF description of qualification 1. Introduction on the proffesional domain 2. Qualifications and ocupations 3. Learning outcomes and competences descriptors for all levels 4. Time volume and ECTS 5. Teaching and evaluation 6. Quality assurance
NQF: situation in 2012 /next steps Establishment of the methodology for implementation/development of NQF (project) Development process of NQFHE for another specialties ( in the process) Publication of the NQF for 8 fundamental domains ( 3 projects finalised) Preparation process of implementation NQF has started with agreements on the role and responsabilities of higher education institutions Approval of the methodology for implementation/development of NQF International expetise of NQF and NQFHE in order of compatibility of EQF Development - communication strategy Continuation development of NQFHE for another specialties Development/ Improvement of National Register of Qualifications in HE
Internal quality assurance The internal quality assurance systems determined by higher education institution themselves The higher institutions have published a strategy for continuous quality improvement in the past 5 years Improvement of the manuals for quality assurance Establishment of responsable for QA: university level- vicerector, department level - QA responsable etc. QA comissions
QA systems- institutional structures (model of MSU,TUM, Cahul SU, ASUM) 11 Academic ManagementAdministrativ management Quality Management I universitySenat Professoral council II Faculty Administrative Bureau Heads of faculties Vice heads of faculties Secretariat Bureau of the senat Council of administration Rector vicerectors Heads of faculties QA comissions Vice head of faculty Institutional Quality council vicerector Faculty/unit QA III department Head of department Vice head of department Head of department/ responsable Department meeting
External quality assurance (QA) QA systems is in operation nationwide QA systems focus on both institutions and programmes Establishment of QA agency in 2008 is subordinated to MoE We are in the process of constituiting of QAA ( staff, normative acts etc.)
QA next steps Problems Non functional QA Agency Solutions New Cod of Education provide this position New changes of the Government decision regarding QAA Strengthening of internal QA ( external assistance)
Other reforms in higher education- university autonomy New public policy on university autonomy 3 pillions: academic, human resources and organizational - are in the process of implementation 2 models of financial autonomy are proposed: partial autonomy and extended autonomy Financial autonomy - from 1 January 2013 – implementation of financial autonomy in all public universities
Social dimension (1) Annually 30 % of admission are budgetary financed 15 % admission - for students with socio-economical low status (orphans, students with disabilities, families with 4 and more children, students whose parents participated in the military conflicts, roma children etc.) 20% of admission - Russian studing students
Social dimension (2) Special financial support, social grants Rural/urban areas Cancel of age limit on admission
Reforms Legal Framework Draft – Education Code National Development Strategy Moldova 2020: Relevant studies for career Draft – National Strategy “Education 2020” Financial autonomy