Ahab vs. Elijah 1 Kings 16:29-22:53
Israel’s Political Turmoil Jeroboam's line lasted two years after his death Baasha killed Jeroboam's son Nadab 15:25 Baasha ruled 24 years and then his son Elah ruled two years until Zimri did what Baasha did to Jeroboam’s family 16:1-14 Zimri ruled seven days 16:15-20 Civil war until Omri prevailed over Tibni 16:21-22 Omri most wicked king ever 16:25 Ahab succeeds Omri after he dies 16:28 stability
Wickedness Abounds Ahab is even worse than his father who was the worst ever 16:30 The golden calves were a trivial thing to him Married Jezebel king of the Sidonians Began to serve Baal Made an Asherah pole Spiritual atmosphere of the times is illustrated by the rebuilding of Jericho 16:34
God Sends Elijah Elijah prayed that it not rain James 5:17 The Lord provides for Elijah 17:2-7 Learn to trust God Matthew 6:33 Elijah teaches another to depend on God 17:8-16 In Zarapeth Luke 4:24-26 Learn to receive God’s blessings from others 1 Corinthians 12:21 The widow is truly converted 17:17-24 V.24 tells the purpose for signs Mark 16:15-20
The Contest at Mt. Carmel Three years later (people are ready to listen) 18:1 Ahab and Obadiah are looking for grass for the animals 18:2-6 Elijah meets faithful Obadiah and arranges a meeting with Ahab 18:7-16 Ahab calls Elijah a trouble-maker 18:17 Ahab was the real trouble-maker 18:18 Contest is arranged 18:19-20 The people are not committed 18:21
The Contest at Mt. Carmel A fair demonstration will prove who is God God will burn his own sacrifice 18:22-24 Prophets of Baal went first 18:25-29 Elijah makes a point of Baal’s failure 18:27 They try harder 18:28-29, Matt. 6:7-8 Elijah glorifies God 18:30-37 The people believe in the Lord 18:38-39 The people act on their faith 18:40 Relationship to God restored 18:41-46
Elijah’s Discouragement At the highlight of his career, Elijah becomes discouraged 19:1-5 Nothing has changed; Jezebel still in charge Elijah feels alone So he makes himself alone Don’t withdraw yourself! Hebrews 10:24-25 God encourages Elijah 19:5-18 He gives him a job to do and help to do it 19:19-21
War With Syria Ben-Hadad looks for a fight 20:1-11 God delivers victory to Ahab 20:12-30 He witnessed God’s power v.28 Ahab releases a man God marked for death 20:31-34 A prophet announces punishment for Ahab 20:35-43 Ahab is sullen v.43
War With Syria Ahab turns to materialism; still unhappy 21:1-7 Jezebel does his dirty work for him 21:7-16 Elijah pronounces punishment 21:17-24 Ahab humbles himself 21:27 God responds to Ahab’s humility 21:28-29 He will respond to yours 1 Tim. 1:15, Acts 2:38 Ahab seeks to regain land from Syria 22:1-3 Seeks help from the good king of Judah 22:4 Jehoshaphat required divine guidance 22:5
War With Syria All the prophets told Ahab what he wanted 22:6 Jehoshaphat wanted the truth 22:7 Micaiah told the truth Ahab did not like 22:8 He did this time as well 22:9-25 He was jailed for it 22:26-28 Ahab tried to prevent fulfillment of the prophecy 22:29-33 Ahab can’t hide from God 22:34-40 His power and riches did him no good v.39 All is vanity unless you serve God