Spiritually, Elijah lived during one of the worst times in Israel’s history. He believed that revival would turn the nation back toward God. Elijah had a signs and wonders ministry.
In response to Elijah’s faith, God sent a famine. Jezebel’s reaction – kill the prophets of the Lord. Ahab’s reaction – find grass to save the animals. Ahab’s reaction – blame Elijah for the famine.
Courage comes from convictions. We have nothing big enough to live for until we have something big enough to die for.
But Obadiah worked for Ahab. He was a secret believer. He had previously supported the ministry of Elijah. Obadiah is a good place to start in transforming society. Obadiah means “the servant of Jehovah”
Obadiah may have fooled Ahab, but he didn’t fool Elijah. Obadiah feared the Lord but loved his life. Elijah challenged him to take a step of faith.
These people have the ear of those in authority.
Ahab blamed Elijah for Israel’s problem. Elijah had the courage to tell Ahab the truth. Elijah needed Ahab to gather all Israel together. Ahab may never be a true believer but Elijah need his help to transform society.
There’s no way we can There’s no way we can experience community transformation experience community transformation without the without the cooperation cooperation of those in authority. of those in authority.
Elijah knew the prophets of Baal wouldn’t become true worshippers of Jehovah. But since the worship of Baal was Israel’s official religion, he couldn’t ignore them. They were given the chance to prove their religion.
Sometimes the best way to reveal truth is to allow lies to be exposed for what they are.
Their god was the sun god. If Baal was the sun god, he should have some fire. They called on Baal by: –leaping around the altar –crying louder and louder –cutting themselves –prophesying
But there was no voice, No one answered, No one paid attention. Elijah couldn’t resist the irony of the “god of fire” not having any fire and began teasing them.
–At this point, these people were simply observers. –They’re watching to see what’s going to happen. –The false prophets were embarrassed by Baal’s failure. –Elijah patiently and methodically showed them the reality of God’s power.