Maryland Partnership MID SHORE MENTAL HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC LOIS E. JACKSON UNIT Supported by the Maryland Community Health Resources Commission Mid-Shore Mental Health Systems, Inc.
Kent Talbot Caroline Dorchester Queen Anne’s Three Year Grant Awarded By Maryland Community Health Resources Commission (MCHRC) PARTNERS Mid Shore Mental Health Systems Jackson Unit - Allegany County Health Department Local Health Department Addictions Programs Department of Juvenile Services Local Telepsychiatry Network Clinical Sites Outpatient Mental Health Providers COUNTIES SERVED Launched December 2009
Prevalence Mid-Shore Youth Substance Admission Rates Center for Substance Abuse Research. (2003). Adapted from data from the Substance Abuse Management Information System (SAMIS), Maryland Alcohol and Drug Administration (ADAA), Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH), and U.S. Census Bureau
2. Spatial Barriers Estimated 200 miles Family JACKSON UNIT Education Addictions Mental Health Addictions DJS Estimated 200 miles DJS Education Mental Health Services Discontinued while inpatient Services Continued/ mandate Services Re-established after discharge Transport required 400 Mile Roundtrip for Families Addictions counselors travel once month for cases to remain active DJS counselors travel once a month in DJS involved cases Lack of continuity with local therapist and silo’ed treatment of mental health and addictions
Bridge to Hope Model JACKSON UNIT (Allegany Co) -Youth (60 days) -Counselors Family Local Telepsychiatry Clinics Caroline County Mental Health Clinic Dorchester-Maces Lane Middle School Kent- A.F Whitsitt Center Queen Anne’s- Corsica River Mental Health Services Talbot – Maple Shade Youth and Family Services Addictions Mental Health DJS Education Treatment Teams and Family Visitation
Served 34 Youth from the mid-shore region. 110 Video Conference Sessions 60 Family Visits 37 Addictions 13 DJS Total cost savings $15,454, of which $12,503 are state agency savings.
108 youth served 734 total visits with families, addictions and DJS. Travel savings of $93,000 to families and state agencies. 540 Mental Health Therapist visits Modification approval November, 2010 – all nine eastern shore counties adding Cecil, Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset
CONTACT INFORMATION Mid-Shore Mental Health Systems, Inc Holly Ireland or Jean Honey Phone: OR Jackson Unit, Allegany County Health Department Cindy Shockey-Smith Phone: Local Mid Shore Addictions Counselors Caroline County: Anne Simpers Talbot County: Brighton Laznovsky Phone: Phone: Kent County: Nancy Spencer Dorchester County: Diane Palmer Phone: Phone: Queen Anne’s County: Ron Douglas Phone:
“ Of all the forces that make for a better world, none is as powerful as hope. With hope one can think, one can work, one can dream. If you have Hope, you have everything.” Charles Sawyer