Trying to have an impact in Bulgaria and back in the US My fascinating experience so far… Nora Madjar Associate Professor, University of Connecticut Fulbright Scholar, Sofia University
My goals Teach creativity and entrepreneurship Do research on the factors that stimulate or hinder creativity in the Bulgarian business environment Expose my kids to the Bulgarian language and culture Give back or pay forward, mentor students, entrepreneurs, doctoral students
Fascinating time Especially through the eyes of my two kids who are experiencing the full immersion in Bulgarian schools
My major activities Teach a course on Managing Creativity and Innovation for Entrepreneurial Ventures at Sofia University Organize a seminar and assist in the establishment of a High-Tech Business Center as part of Sofia University Workshops on opportunity generation to college and high-school students Seminars on publishing in premium journals Interviews and survey research with different samples from the Business community
Research Projects on Social networking and its nature in the Bulgarian Business Environment A study on social networks, trust, knowledge sharing and creativity between bank employees and their clients. A study on knowledge seeking patterns for students who are creating their new ventures
Major accomplishments Had my students come up with a creative fundraising campaign for a goal of $125 or $250
Causes and Fundraising Initiatives Causes: Painting classes for gifted children from low-income families Armenian community charity concert Landscaping of the Students’ town Fundraising initiatives: Party for the international Erasmus students Selling children’s drawings Garage sale Lottery with concert tickets
Results from teaching activities so far Very successful projects, raising between $124 and $460 each Made students think seriously about charity events The project was contagious and really boosted self-esteem Students practiced creativity and found their inner motivation
Some of the results:
Some of the results
Promoting creative thinking in the Bulgarian Business Community Managed to gather in a seminar, faculty inventors, business entrepreneurs and students, - three different groups who almost never connect but are ready to collaborate on multiple projects. Organizing a workshop for Managers on how to foster creativity and innovation in the workplace (through the Sofia University Business Alumni Club) Moderated a workshop for CEO level executives on creative solutions for BDZ
And my tips for others… Ask Bulgarians to smile more, it works – one by one they start doing it Teach them how to network Make them do projects. They will protest but when they finish them, the enthusiasm is contagious, their confidence and sense of accomplishment are worth the push!
Thank you! Happy Holidays Everyone!