Land Transport Service Delivery at WMO: Summary of a WMO ad hoc working group meeting January 2015 Dr Walter DABBERT Vaisala Group
Why Land Transport Service Delivery? Land transport service delivery is already an important NMHS function in many countries Land transport service delivery is a present and emerging need in many other NMHS' s LTSD includes, broadly, roads, rail, rivers, harbors, lakes, and airports; roads and rail shared many commonalities and represent a good starting place for LTSD Land transport service delivery is a high priority function as it involves: Public safety, and Significant societal and economic benefits (and risks) LTSD is a natural extension of WMO service delivery efforts that currently include aviation and marine transport LTSD includes many functions in the transport value chain, which currently are provided by a mix of governmental and private-sector organizations, where this mix varies significantly from country to country as well as within individual countries; as such, WMO leadership would serve the members well.
Simplified Value Chain Observations Meteorological Geophysical Traffic Modeling Mesoscale NWP Microscale energy balance & nowcasting Traffic flow Analysis & Forecasting Mitigation Options Assessment Roads & rail treatment Traffic adjustment Decision-making, Implementation & Communication (where value is created)
Users End users General public Railroad companies Trucking companies Bus companies Taxi services Freight forwarders Transport hubs Public safety organizations Emergency managers Intermediate users Road authorities Local governments
Providers NMHS's Meteorological observation data Road weather & state data NWP Nowcasts Road authorities Road state data Traffic data Road weather data Vehicle weather-related data Private weather companies Road & rail weather data Road & rail state data NWP Nowcasts Private data companies Mobile phone-derived data Traffic speed & volume Atmospheric pressure data
WMO Roles (present & future) Meteorological observation standards/requirements Station siting Observation requirements and methods Instrument standards QA/QC requirements Metadata requirements Best practices specification (e.g.) Surface energy balance Inter-station interpolation Data format standards Data sharing and integration Training
WMO Participating Organizations Members Commissions CIMO CBS Others? Programmes WIGOS (WMO Integrated Observing System) GDPFS (Global Data-processing and Forecasting System) WWWDM (World Weather Watch Data Management) IMOP (Instruments and Methods of Observation Programme) PWSP (Public Weather Services Programme) Others?
Recommendation to PTC and Cg17 This is today's task