Mark 8: Peter 1:5 Moral Courage
2 Peter 1:5 (virtue): “Moral excellence” (courage) to stand for what is right against all opposition and every adversity Blessed by God, Matt 5:10-12 –Invaluable to faith: Without moral courage faith will weaken, falter and fail –Courageous raised to glory, Rev 6:9-11; 20:4 Spiritual backbone, 1 Cor 16:13 2
Moral Cowardice PILATE: Failed to use his authority to exercise justice 1)M ORAL COWARDICE KNOWS THE RIGHT THING TO DO BUT DOES NOT DO IT, Luke 23:4, 14-15, 22, 20 EVIL PREVAILS! Lk 23:23-25 (Jas 4:17) 2)M ORAL COWARDICE TRIES TO JUSTIFY ITSELF BEFORE ITS PEERS, Matt 27:24 GOD IS NOT CONVINCED! 3
Moral Cowardice PETER: Knew the truth but failed to acknowledge (confess) it 1)M ORAL COWARDICE VALUES PERSONAL SAFETY OVER THE TRUTH, Matt 26: Selfish fear leads to lying 2)M ORAL COWARDICE FEARS THE CONSEQUENCES OF STANDING FOR THE TRUTH, Gal 2:11-14 (Jno 12:42-43) Afraid of unfavorable reactions Wrong priorities (Matt 10:28) 4
Moral Courage PAUL: A man who publicly resisted public sin, Gal 2:11, 14 1)M ORAL COURAGE IS PUBLIC ABOUT ITS FAITH Takes a public stand when the truth is publicly violated (sin) Outnumbered but did not retreat Truth and souls were at stake GOAL: Gospel will prevail so souls can be saved, Gal 2:3-5 5
Moral Courage DANIEL AND COMPANIONS: Commitment to the true God 1)M ORAL COURAGE REQUIRES PURPOSE AND PURITY OF HEART, Dan 1:8 2)M ORAL COURAGE TRUSTS IN G OD, Dan 3:16-18 Confident of deliverance, 3:17 (24-27) Trust in and serve God only, 3:18 3)M ORAL COURAGE WILL NOT COMPROMISE WITH SIN, Dan 6:7-10, 23 (Acts 5:29) 6
We Need Moral Courage Christians with the courage to suffer isolation because of their moral purity, 1 Pet 4:3-5 (1 Tim 4:12; 2 Tim 2:22) 1)C HRISTIANS ARE TEMPTED TO CONFORM TO THE WORLD Distinct morality is a great example, 1 Pet 2:11-12 May be rejected/opposed, 1 Pet 4:4 Keep your moral courage and you will be blessed by God 7
We Need Moral Courage Preachers, with the courage to preach the truth that needs to be heard, 2 Tim 4:1-5 1)N OT SILENCE FOR THE SAKE OF “ PEACE ” ( SO CALLED ), OR FOR RELATIONSHIPS OR BEING ” CAST OUT OF THE SYNAGOGUE ” 2)P REACH TO THE NEED OF THE MOMENT, Acts 2:23, 36; 24:25 (2 Tim 4:2) PURPOSE: To save souls, Acts 4:
We Need Moral Courage To confess Jesus Christ in our lives without shame, Mark 8:38 1)T O BECOME A C HRISTIAN, Acts 2: )T O LIVE FAITHFULLY, 2 Cor 5:7 3)T O TEACH THE GOSPEL, Rom 1: )T O BE A GODLY EXAMPLE, Matt 5: “add to your faith, virtue” (2 Peter 1:5) “add to your faith, virtue” (2 Peter 1:5)