Swedish National Grid 2.5 gon W Bg Ös Kalvbäcken Sandviken Älvkarleby Prästhyttan Vallberg Lindesby S Uppsala Lb S H Sr Sx B So F Garpenberg U N Sa D Stockholm General General Location Map Post-Svecofennian rocks (e.g Svecokarelian late- or post-tectonic, intrusive rocks, Proterozoic and Cambro-Silurian sedimentary rocks) Svecokarelian, early granitoids or Svecofennian, synvolcanic intrusions, mostly Ma Svecofennian metasedimentary rocks Svecofennian metavolcanic rocks Iron- / sulphide ore, mine or prospect + -
GARPENBERG Garpenberg is a small village Hedemora, a small town in central Sweden Hedemora has inhabitants and Garpenberg about 600 Distance to Hedemora 16 km Distance to Arlanda Airport 160 km Distance to Uppsala120 km Distance to Stockholm 180 km Railway connections to Uppsala and Stockholm every 2 hours
1600 Y3600 Y3200 Y2800 Y2400 Y2000 Y4000 Y4400Y4800 Y5200 Y mined out ore Potential Mineral Reserves: Mineral Resources: frontvy 1200Z 1000Z 0 Z 200Z 800Z 600Z 400Z 1400Z Mineral Reserves/Resources in Garpenberg mine Z 870 Z Potential Dammsjön Gransjön Kaspersbo Strand Kanal Potential Kvarn- berget Lappberget Dammsjön Garpenberg Garpenberg norra Kvarnberget Kyrkan- Tyskgården Finnhyttan
POINT LOAD INDEX AND UNIAXIAL COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH Portable and stationary point load tester This spreadsheet calculates point load index and uniaxial compressive strength for tests using either a portable or a stationary point load tester. Portable PLT: Obtained pressure (in kPa) is input in the column under "M". "P" is calculated automatically. Stationary PLT:"P" is input directly (in kN). "Type of test": d = diametral; a = axial; l = lump/block test; h = half-core (split core) Note! D = distance between the contact points; d = core diamater only for diametral tests! Hole nrRock typeTesterType of testDWMPDe 2 DeIsIs FI s(50) c a/d-strength P=Portable(a,d,l,h)(P*1000)/De 2 (De/50)0.4 5F*I s 22*I s(50) (a,d) (m) S=Stationary (mm) (KPa)(kN)(mm 2 )(mm)(MPa) 1Pd40,518, ,080,9110,08221,7d 2Pd40,512, ,740,917,04154,9d 3Pd40,518, ,350,9110,32227,0d 4Pd40,519, ,800,9110,74236,2d 5Pd40,521, ,910,9111,74258,4d 6Pd40,518, ,500,9110,46230,2d 7Pd40,515, ,500,918,64190,2d 8Pd40,511, ,710,916,11134,3d 9Pd40,516, ,020,919,12200,6d 10Pd40,515, ,660,918,78193,2d 11Pd40,513, ,930,917,21158,6d 12Pd40,520, ,640,9111,49252,9d 13Pd40,59, ,020,915,48120,5d 14Pd40,520, ,690,9111,54253,9d 15Pd40,512, ,900,917,19158,1d 16Pd40,516, ,860,918,97197,3d 17Pd40,521, ,890,9111,73258,0d 18Pd40,521, ,200,9112,01264,1d Medel:206,1
CONCLUSIONS The available geological and geotechnical data of the surroundings of Garpenberg indicate that the possibilities are good for the construction of the planned neutrino detector about 1 km away from the mine. Bolidens plans for the future of the old infrastructure have to be clarified and also the possibilities to lease or purchase part of the crushing and hoisting system in Garpenberg Norra. The mineral resources indicate a life of the mine operation of 25 to 30 years. It is also recommended that a program with control of the available magnetic and electric survey data of the proposed area shall be organized and after that a drilling program has to be performed as a first step of the future investigations. We have a mine infrastructure 500 km from the ESS with access to areas more than 1000 m below surface.
FUTURE PROGRAM Evaluation of results from core drilling, rock strength, rock type Calculation of maximal span and height, design of rock reinforcement Measurements of rock stress Risks for seismic activities caused by the mining operation have to be investigated Design of detector with regard of rock stress and stress direction Environmental study and application for environmental permits Design of the rock excavation, Ventilation, power distribution, supply of process water via the Boliden systems at the start of access drifts but systems independent of Boliden have to be designed For the excavation, construction and installations a system independent of Boliden may be necessary Investigations and calculations indicated above have to be done by competent engineering consultants