General Orientation for New Students
Deficiencies should be submitted before the final examination date to avoid withheld grade Check your checklist of entry requirements to know what documents to submit
Official Receipt Blue Form Modules Schedule of Activities Guide on How to Access VLES SDE Learner’s Guide
Mid-term Examination – November 16, 2013 In-campus Session – December 7, 2013 Final Examination – December 21, 2013 For students who wish to take their exams in advance, please write a request addressed to your Dean at least one week before the scheduled major examinations. All fees should be settled before final examination
Take note of the deadlines set by your individual professor and submit the requirements on time Duplication and copying of requirement is strictly prohibited Have a backup copy of all submitted requirements
Check Virtual Classroom regularly for posted requirements and announcements of your professor or of the Distance Education Office Participate actively in the collaborative learning as required by online mode of learning The VLES will be deactivated one week after the Finals
Please be reminded to answer the questionnaire on Faculty Evaluation during the final examination
Permit or receipt should be shown to the proctor before taking the major exam Incomplete Grade will be given one trimester completion period, after which the students will be advised to retake the subject Submit all entry requirements to avoid withheld grade
For inquiry/clarifications regarding admission deficiencies/requirements, please call Tel. no Administrative (loc. 139) -Ms. Mel Bulos Ms. Ethel Remo Help Desk (loc.121) -Ms. Tonette Andino Technical Support -Mr. Manuel Quiban
Refer to the Learner’s Guide for other Guidelines and Policies