Quiz on Messiah/ Christ Why would it be dangerous to call himself “Messiah” or “Christ” in public?
Title 3: Son of Man Jesus did not like to talk about himself as the Messiah, or Son of God. He wanted to stay out of trouble with the Romans and Jews, and he wanted people to figure out that he was the Messiah for themselves – through the miracles and teaching he gave. Jesus referred to himself as the “Son of Man”. He uses this title 14 times in Mark’s gospel. What sort of ideas does this title suggest? Why might Jesus like using it? Mindmap. 1.Humble, modest. 2.Vulnerable – he will suffer (not like the invincible Messiah the Jews imagine) 3.Weak 4.Capable of suffering 5.Ordinary 6.like other people 7.Approachable 8.Vague – just mean “a man” – or “I” 1.Explain 2 reasons why Jesus did not use the title Messiah about himself. 2.Complete your mindmap about the Son of Man. 3.How well does “Son of Man” describe what Jesus is like? Think of 3 ways. **Why would Jesus want to emphasise his ordinariness? “For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.“
Was Jesus God? Sometimes, people say that because Jesus only really called himself “Son of Man”, this means that Jesus’ claim to being God was made up by others. Is this true? Is Jesus saying he is just ordinary, by calling himself Son of Man?? Investigative reporter Lee Strobel asks a famous scholar. What does Lee discover? What do you now think about Jesus’ use of “Son of man”? Is it denying or asserting his claim to be God?
1.The Son of Man just means “a man”, or “an ordinary person” Give evidence from the Psalms. Explain what it says. (yellow box p.86) 2.“Son of Man” means a weak man, but chosen for a mission Give evidence from the book of Ezekiel. Explain what it says. (yellow box p.86) 3. “Son of Man” means a divine/ glorious being, who will step in with power to save those who are suffering Give evidence from the Book of Daniel. Explain what it says. (yellow box p.87) **Why was it clever of Jesus to use this title in public? Old Testament Background to the Son of Man title.
“Son of Man” in Jesus’ ministry 1.Summarise the story 2.Write out the quote with “Son of Man” from Mk 2: What does Jesus prove about who the “Son of Man” is, by this miracle? (3 things) **At his trial, Jesus almost quotes from the book of Daniel. What does he say about himself? Why does the High Priest tear his robes?(check with Mk 14:61-62)
Is “Son of Man” a useful title for Jesus for 21 st century Christians?
The Son of Man is just “a man” The Son of Man is suffering and vulnerable The Son of Man is a humble servant of all The Son of Man has God’s authority & power (2 quotes) Write in the evidence from St Mark’s gospel, for each of these headings Jesus used it himself 14 times in Mark’s gospel usually to mean “ordinary person” or just “I” At Caesarea Philippi: “ The Son of Man must suffer, be rejected by the scribes and elders, be put to death and after 3 days rise again. ” “The Son of Man came to serve, not to be served, and to give his life as a ransom for all”. Cure of paralysed man “The Son of Man has authority to forgive sins” At his trial to answer the High Priest (“Are you the Christ?”): “I am. And you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of God, and coming on the clouds of heaven”
Role Play In groups of 5 – The former paralysed man – One of the crowd – A Jewish scribe who was there – One of the disciples – A journalist interviewing the others. Prepare a role play that shows the Jewish views about the nature illness authority to forgive sins.