Warm Up – 2/7 Let’s say someone robbed a bank in Henderson. Which story would you believe more: Someone who heard what happened from someone that was there or what it said in the newspaper? Why? Let’s say someone robbed a bank in Henderson. Which story would you believe more: Someone who heard what happened from someone that was there or what it said in the newspaper? Why? Agenda Agenda Notes/PowerPoint Notes/PowerPoint Activity Activity Exit Quiz Exit Quiz ANNOUNCEMENTS: Due to extended time on many projects, I will post your grades tomorrow If your work is on the “Your Best” wall, be sure to claim your candy!!
African Civilization Birthplace of Humanity
Early Africa What are some words that you would use to describe Africa today? What are some words that you would use to describe Africa today? African Cities Video African Cities Video African Cities Video African Cities Video Did anything in this video surprise you? Did anything in this video surprise you? Why do you think people in America see Africa as place that has not seen much change? Why do you think people in America see Africa as place that has not seen much change? What problems do Africans face today? What problems do Africans face today?
I. Early African Civilizations A. Nubia A. Nubia 1. Area south of Egypt (the upper Nile River) where Egyptian merchants would travel to trade for Nubia’s goods (Ivory, ebony, frankincense (fragrant tree resin) and leopard skins) 1. Area south of Egypt (the upper Nile River) where Egyptian merchants would travel to trade for Nubia’s goods (Ivory, ebony, frankincense (fragrant tree resin) and leopard skins) 2. In 1000 B.C. Nubia freed itself from Egyptian control and established the independent state Kush (1000 B.C. – 400A.D.) 2. In 1000 B.C. Nubia freed itself from Egyptian control and established the independent state Kush (1000 B.C. – 400A.D.)
Kush Empire of Kush Empire of Kush Empire of Kush Empire of Kush How did Kush gain power? How did Kush gain power? Why was trading so important to Kush? Why was trading so important to Kush? What was one political difference between Kush and many other civilizations of its time? What was one political difference between Kush and many other civilizations of its time? What kinds of things led to the fall of Kush? What kinds of things led to the fall of Kush?
I. Early African Civilizations B. Kush B. Kush 1. In the early years of its civilization, Kush was known for its agriculture, but eventually emerged as one of the major trading states in its region (250 B.C A.D.) 1. In the early years of its civilization, Kush was known for its agriculture, but eventually emerged as one of the major trading states in its region (250 B.C A.D.) 2. Major exported goods : iron products, ivory, gold, ebony, and slaves from central and eastern Africa 2. Major exported goods : iron products, ivory, gold, ebony, and slaves from central and eastern Africa 3. Decline: 150 A.D. due to the rise of its neighboring state Axum 3. Decline: 150 A.D. due to the rise of its neighboring state Axum
I. Early African Civilizations C. Axum : ( A.D.) C. Axum : ( A.D.) 1. Founded by Arabs and was eventually a combined Arab and African state 1. Founded by Arabs and was eventually a combined Arab and African state 2. Major exported goods: Ivory, Frankincense, myrrh, and slaves 2. Major exported goods: Ivory, Frankincense, myrrh, and slaves 3. Major imported goods: textiles, metal goods, wine, and olive oil 3. Major imported goods: textiles, metal goods, wine, and olive oil What are the similarities of the exported goods between Axum and Kush? What are the similarities of the exported goods between Axum and Kush? 4. Due to the competition over ivory, King Ezana (Axum) invaded and conquered Kush (c. 400 A.D.) 4. Due to the competition over ivory, King Ezana (Axum) invaded and conquered Kush (c. 400 A.D.)
I. Early African Civilizations D. Society D. Society 1. Role of Women: In many African societies family lineage was matrilineal 1. Role of Women: In many African societies family lineage was matrilineal a. Matrilineal – descent could be traced back to through offspring’s mother rather than fathers. a. Matrilineal – descent could be traced back to through offspring’s mother rather than fathers. Is our society matrilineal or patrilineal? Is our society matrilineal or patrilineal?
I. Early African Civilizations 2. Griot - Or storytelling of a people is how African history was remembered in early Civilizations. 2. Griot - Or storytelling of a people is how African history was remembered in early Civilizations. Telephone Telephone Why might this way of keeping history cause some problems? Why might this way of keeping history cause some problems?
I. Early African Civilizations E. Religion E. Religion 1. Animism- worship of ancestors and spirits 1. Animism- worship of ancestors and spirits a. These people believed that inanimate objects had spirits which could affect the well-being of those around them. There were also considered to be spirits in trees, rocks, mountains as well as people. a. These people believed that inanimate objects had spirits which could affect the well-being of those around them. There were also considered to be spirits in trees, rocks, mountains as well as people.
I. Early African Civilizations F. Economics F. Economics 1. Trade between Arab countries and African states was extremely common. Due to this heavy trade, a new culture along the coast of East Africa emerged, known as Swahili Culture 1. Trade between Arab countries and African states was extremely common. Due to this heavy trade, a new culture along the coast of East Africa emerged, known as Swahili Culture
I. Early African Civilizations How did the trade routes help to spread Islam? How did the trade routes help to spread Islam? What were some of Africa’s imports? What were some of Africa’s imports? What were some of Africa’s exports? What were some of Africa’s exports?
II. Arabian Influence A. Swahili Culture A. Swahili Culture 1. Mix of Arab and African culture. 1. Mix of Arab and African culture. 2. Early African language, known as Bantu and Arabic combined to create Swahili language 2. Early African language, known as Bantu and Arabic combined to create Swahili language 3. This language helped make trading easier 3. This language helped make trading easier
Classwork No Laptop -Grab a book and a worksheet from my cart -On the chart, skip the boxes with an X **Must be in your own words** Laptop - Go to my website and click on Lessons - Download Africa Packet **Must be in your own words**
Warm Up – 2/8 Why do you think HIV/AIDS is such a problem in Africa? Why do you think HIV/AIDS is such a problem in Africa? What are some emotions associated with HIV/AIDS? What are some emotions associated with HIV/AIDS? Agenda Agenda Wikispaces set up Wikispaces set up Review Review Work on packet Work on packet Vocab Assignment Vocab Assignment AIDS Video AIDS Video AIDS WebQuest AIDS WebQuest ANNOUNCEMENTS: Grades are up! Look BEFORE the bell rings! Progress reports come out tomorrow
Classwork 1. Finish and turn in project! 1. Finish and turn in project! 2. Finish and turn in packet (from yesterday) 2. Finish and turn in packet (from yesterday) 3. Pick up a vocabulary assignment from my cart. This is for homework, but you can turn it in today if you finish 3. Pick up a vocabulary assignment from my cart. This is for homework, but you can turn it in today if you finish At 10:45, we’ll be starting something else! At 10:45, we’ll be starting something else!
HIV/AIDS Write/Type: Write/Type: One paragraph summarizing what you saw in the video One paragraph summarizing what you saw in the video One paragraph giving some ideas of how you think the HIV/AIDS crisis could be solved or improved One paragraph giving some ideas of how you think the HIV/AIDS crisis could be solved or improved Due at the end of class! Due at the end of class!
Warm Up – 2/9 Define: Define: Griot Griot Matrilineal Matrilineal Polytheistic Polytheistic Agenda Agenda Wikispaces set up Wikispaces set up HIV/AIDS WebQuest HIV/AIDS WebQuest Notes/PowerPoint Notes/PowerPoint TURN IN HOMEWORK Progress Reports come out today!
HIV/AIDS WebQuest If you do not have a laptop, partner up with someone who does. If you do not have a laptop, partner up with someone who does. Go to my website and click on Lessons Go to my website and click on Lessons Click save Click save Once you finish, it to the correct address Once you finish, it to the correct address