Petroglyphs of the White Sea area An archaeological complex PETROGLYPHS OF THE WHITE SEA AREA includes more than 2000 rock carvings, which are mainly accumulated in three places: Zalavruga, Erpin Pudas and Chertovy Sledki (the Devil’s footprints). Wild animals (deer, elks, bears), sea animals (white whales, seals), people and boats are the most common images to find here. Along with separate figures there are scenes of hunting elks, deer, bears, sea animals and birds which was the main occupation of ancient people. Here you can also find the world’s oldest images of skiers. Petroglyphs date the late Stone Age.
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area Chertovy Sledki (the Devil’s footprints) is a rock which is entirely covered with images of white whales, swans, boats, elks, etc. Since the first images carved were very large, there was little space left for further images which greatly affected their size.
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area Chertovy Sledki (the Devil’s footprints): The Devil - It is a male figure with an enormously large phallus and foot. A chain of eight footprints leads to the Devil. The image is 80 cm long. Today these images are closed for preservation in a specially constructed pavilion. фото
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area Scene of hunting deer Old Zalavruga
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area Scene of hunting deer. Fragment Old Zalavruga
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area Giant deer (up to 3,5 m) are being intersected by a row of big boats. The large size of deer possibly show its great importance in the life of ancient people. Old Zalavruga
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area A group of skiers. A mismatch of season and outfit of the skiers can perhaps be referred to the wish of the artist to show their sex. A hunter on skis is chasing the elk. A tree with a bird on top. The bird is arrow-wounded.
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area A hunter is taking a shot at the animal sitting on a tree. The animal is already wounded by the arrows. Above them is an image of a big boat. Fragment from Zalavruga IV
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area This scene depicting skiers hunting elks in winter is one of the top carvings in rock art of Northern Europe. The scene is remarkable for its expressiveness and many details. You can well see that the hunters are chasing elks on the thin crust of ice over snow. You can identify footprints of each hunter and animal. The thickening on the ends of ski poles and the traces left by them are well observed. The artist even made an attempt to add shape to the surface. The first elk is wounded by three arrows and the third elk is wounded by two arrows. You can also determine the feathering on the arrows. Zalavruga IV
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area A hunter is wounded by two arrows on his back. In front of him is a bear lying on the back. An arrow pierced his neck and a spear is stuck into his back which is held by a man carved half face. A hunter on foot caught an animal (perhaps elk or deer). The animal is lying on its back (possibly dead). There is a footprint near the hunter.
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area A duel? Men are carved half face. The artist depicted them squatted and ready to shoot the bow. One of them is already wounded by two arrows. Between them there is a bird pierced by an arrow which was possibly the bone of contention.
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area This is a famous scene depicting hunting the white whale. The artist showed the culmination of the moment: there are 12 hunters on a big boat. All of them are depicted standing perhaps to convey the emotional tension. The animal is already wounded. The harpoon has pierced its body but the harpoon strap is still in motion. Another moment and it will be stretched and the battle between the hunters and the animal will begin.
Petroglyphs of the White Sea area This composition involves many characters and can well be depicting the pursuit. Three men (whose bodies might have originally been meant to be boats) are chasing another person who is much smaller in size. The first hunter is drawing a bow at him, but the man is already wounded in the neck and back. His hand touches a basket-like figure which is linked to an elk. Is it theft and the following punishment? Zalavruga XII
Sts. Peter and Paul’s Church (XVII th century) in the village of Virma Sts. Peter and Paul’s Church in Virma is one of the oldest cubic churches known in Russia
Five onion-shape domes of the church crown the solid quadrangle. Inside the quadrangle there are two walls intersecting at right angles to create the spatial hardness of the cube (other similar churches lack such construction). Sts. Peter and Paul’s Church in Virma
A pillar in the refectory The domes Rosace on the pillar in the refectory Wood carving on the choir
Muezero Lake is situated 66 km west of Belomorsk. In the eastern part of Troitsky Island there was one of the first prisons in the Karelian White Sea area founded in the second half of the XVI th century. There was also a monastery on the island which was first mentioned in The Church of Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Chapel of the Vernicle (XVII th century) on Troitsky Island (Muezero Lake) The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, 1602
Troitsky Island, Muezero Lake The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (1602), the Chapel of the Vernicle (1672) and the chapel shrine (late XIX th century) are the only remains of the Trinity Monastery.
Old boat in the village of Sumposad In fact, it is a present to the villagers from grand prince Aleksey, brother of tsar Alexander III in memory of his visit in The boat is situated on a separate island in the center of the village. The legend says that this old sailing row boat is a present of Peter the Great to the brave sailors of Sumposad.