Mrs. Malone Geometry/Algebra ext. 5450
Geometry Supplies 3 ring binder and dividers Paper (lined, college ruled) 1 composition book Highlighters or colored pencils Pencils and eraser Pen(s) for corrections, any color Ruler, compass, and protractor Scientific calculator (sin, cos, tan) Graph paper (free online)
Algebra 2 Supplies 3 ring binder and dividers Paper (lined, college ruled) 1 composition book Graph paper Pen(s) for corrections, any color Pencils and eraser Highlighters or colored pencils Scientific calculator (graphing calculators are optional)
Grading Tests30% Notebook20% Homework20% Quizzes15% Tasks/Writing10% Math Journal 5%
Tests Given at the end of each chapter May be corrected for half credit Problems need to be corrected and mistakes need to be explained in complete sentences. (Do not erase your original work!) Corrections need to be completed within one week after receiving the test score Attach the corrections to the front of the test
Notebook Due on the day of each test Should be divided into the following sections: – Work to be turned in (in front of the first divider) – Notes – Vocabulary – Quizzes/Tests – Returned homework (for the current chapter) – Reference materials
Homework Due at the beginning of each class* Book work is graded using a rating system and correct answers, while other activities will be graded with a variety of scoring rubrics. (Please refer to the download for homework scoring guidelines.) Following an excused absence, you have two class periods to turn in the missed work. (ex. Absent Monday, due by Friday) * Please see Mrs. Malone if you are involved in an approved tutoring program. Due dates may be adjusted to fit your tutoring schedule.
Late Work Work that is not submitted at the beginning of the class period is considered late. Late work for each chapter will be accepted for half credit if it is submitted on or before the day of the chapter test.
Quizzes 2-3 per chapter May be corrected for half credit (refer to the slide “Tests” for the correction procedures) Keep returned quizzes in your notebook to help you study for the next test
Tasks/Writing Tasks are application problems that are more in depth than a typical story problem in a textbook. Their format is consistent with common core test questions. Writing activities may be related to a task or a selected reading assignment. Students will have access to the scoring rubric before starting an activity
Math Journal The composition notebook will serve as your math journal. It is to remain in class. Please pick it up from and return it to the box for your class period. Entries may include: Warm up problems In-class work Answers to the puzzle challenge Summary of the lesson Questions about the lesson or concept