Consumer Law Legislative controls to protect the consumer Resource 2H – Legislative Controls (KS4) Slide 1 of 8 Hampshire County Council – Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 Sellers must not trade unfairly. Seller may be trading unfairly if he misleads, if he leaves out important information, uses bully-boy or guilt techniques to get you to buy his products. “Second-hand” mobile phone sold as new. Football shirt on sale “one day only”. “Genuine Leather” trainers. Salesmen – “I’ll lose my job if you don’t buy this”. Resource 2H – Legislative Controls (KS4) Slide 2 of 8 Hampshire County Council – Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum Last updated: 16/03/09
Sale of Goods Act Goods must be of satisfactory quality, match the description, be fit for the purpose, safe, and durable. Eg a CD should not be scratched Or a pair of shoes should not fall apart after a week Resource 2H – Legislative Controls (KS4) Slide 3 of 8 Hampshire County Council – Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum
Distance Selling Regulations Business cannot demand payment for goods they have sent but you have not ordered E.g Packets of Christmas cards are often sent through the post when they haven’t been ordered Resource 2H – Legislative Controls (KS4) Slide 4 of 8 Hampshire County Council – Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum
Enforcement Orders Business must honour your legal rights E.g If a shop persistently and wilfully refuses to refund you for faulty goods, sells goods which are unsafe, or are not as described, they can be taken to court and ordered to change their ways. If they continue to misbehave they can be fined or the owner imprisoned Resource 2H – Legislative Controls (KS4) Slide 5 of 8 Hampshire County Council – Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum Last updated: 09/03/04
Consumer Protection Act Goods must be safe Resource 2H – Legislative Controls (KS4) Slide 6 of 8 Hampshire County Council – Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum e.g Your new television should not give you an electric shock
Food Safety Act Controls the quality and labelling of food Resource 2H – Legislative Controls (KS4) Slide 7 of 8 Hampshire County Council – Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum Last updated: 10/05//04 E.g It is an offence to sell food past the “use-by” date “Orange juice” must only contain real orange juice
Weights and Measures Act Requires quantities to be stated on goods and to be accurate E.g meat, fish, cheese and sausages must have their weight marked on the packet Resource 2H – Legislative Controls (KS4) Slide 8 of 8 Hampshire County Council – Consumer Education Project within the Citizenship Curriculum