Academi c Advising New Studen t Orient ation Summer Philadelphia University
High School to College “ Comparing high school to college is like comparing checkers and chess. The board is the same, but the game is different.” - David Johns
Advising Mission Understand college expectations How to play a good game of chess Learn more about your strengths & weaknesses
What is Special About First Year Advising? Drop - in advising week days 9-5 at Haggar Hall Assigned to Faculty Advisor Close connection to tutoring and academic support services Knowledgeable about first year options and challenges
Advisor Responsibilities Assist you to understand degree requirements Provide resources and referrals Assist you in making personal, course and major decisions Listen carefully to your concerns and interests Encourage and guide you to gain skills and knowledge to be successful Monitor and accurately document your progress toward meeting your goals
Student Advisee Responsibilities Meet with your advisor in the first 4 weeks of the semester Come to meetings prepared with questions or topics to discuss Research your major and academic policies and procedures Keep a record of your academic plans and goals Accept responsibility for your choices and decisions Get to know your advisor and value the advising experience
Advising Resources Philadelphia University Undergraduate Catalog o www. philau. edu / catalog www. philau. edu / catalog o Click on Academic policies Haggar Hall Learning & Advising Website : www. philau. edu / learning www. philau. edu / learning CONTACT philau. edu ADVISING HOURS Mon - Fri 9 am -5 pm
Sample Student Schedule (Business) CLASS NAMECOURSE NUMBERDAYS/TIMES Writing Seminar IWRIT-101-2MWF 11-11:50am Pathways to Professionalism FYS F 12-12:50pm Finite MathMATH-101TR 9-10:15am Integrative Design ProcessIDP-DEC-101-1MW 8-10:45am W 6-8pm (common meeting time) Financial AccountingACCT-101MWF 8-9am Marketing 104MKTG-104TR 5:30-7:15pm Business ManagementMGMT-104TR 2:20-4:15pm
Decoding Your Schedule Use Catalog Course Guide to learn course abbreviations Notice that you are enrolled in HALLMARKS Courses for Gen Ed Notice you are in a First Year Seminar : Pathways to Professionalism Course Notice that you are expected to take courses in your major immediately Consult your advisor about how to make a semester plan
HONORS Core (6) 2 MAJOR COURSES: Vary by Major + 4 HALLMARKS COURSES: Debating US Issues Written Communication Debating Global Issues Hallmarks Capstone QUESTION Cornerstone (1) co-curricular: program expertise/research ACT Cornerstone (1) co-curricular: professional development CONTRIBUTE Cornerstone (1) co-curricular: community engagement ADAPT Cornerstone (1) co-curricular: global awareness The Honors PhilaU
MONTUESWEDTHURFRISATSUN 8 ClassClassWork 9 Work 10 WorkWorkWork 11 WorkWorkWork 12 ClassClassClassWork 1 Work 2 ClassClassWork 3 4 5
Placement WRITING COURSE WRTG 100: Intro to Academic Writing WRIT 101 MATHEMATICS COURSE MATH ITXA 100 free elective credit toward graduation
Important Things TO DO After Orientation Check that AP scores will be sent to Admissions directly from the College Board Check that formal transcripts have been sent to Admissions for all of your college - level credit Look at the online catalogue for course descriptions and academic policies, especially… How to calculate your GPA Information about honors and probation Information about your major Information about Drop / Add period
Questions Come back to this room to ask about… AP score s or colle ge credi ts place ments and honor s your major anyth ing relat ed to acade mics Fall cours e sched ule
Advising Room Assignments Downs 1 Interior Design Downs 2 Architecture Architectural Studies Landscape Architecture Downs 3 Digital Design Digital Animation Graphic Design Communications Industrial Design Downs 8 Architectural Engineering Engineering Industrial & Systems Engineering Mechanical Engineering Textile Engineering Technology Auditorium Professional Communications Environmental Sustainability Undeclared Students Downs 4 Accounting Finance International Business Management Management Information Systems Marketing Downs 5 Fashion Merchandizing Fashion Industry management Downs 6 Fashion Design Textile design Downs 7 Biochemistry Biology Biopsychology Chemistry Chemistry - Environmental Science Health Sciences Physician Assistant Studies Pre - Medical Sciences Psychology Science & Business