PT /07/04 MCI ® Customized Net Conference Powered by Microsoft ® Office ® Live Meeting 2005
8/16/ Agenda Customized Net Conference Scheduling a Meeting in Live Meeting 2005 Meet Now Outlook Integration Meeting Lobby Presenting in Live Meeting 2005 Controlling the Meeting Sharing in Live Meeting 2005 Creating Special Slides: –Whiteboard, Web Tour, –Text, Polling, Snapshot Remote Desktop Sharing
PT /07/04 Customized Net Powered by Microsoft ® Office® Live Meeting 2005
8/16/ Customized Net Conference Powered by Microsoft Office®Live Meeting 2005 Customized Net Conference powered by Microsoft Office® Live Meeting 2005 is a site created just for your company. The web address or URL will be specific to your company. For example: In order to use Customized Net Conference, you will need a login and password. You might have received your login when the Customized Net Conference site was created or if you have used the MCI Manage My Meetings or e-Scheduling tools and already have a login. If you do not have a login, you will need to have your authorization code (check with your company administrator) and register for one on
PT /07/04 Scheduling a Meeting in Microsoft Office® Live Meeting 2005
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005 Conference Center: Login 1. Go to your URL: Example: 2. Enter your User Login/Password 3. Click Login
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005 Conference Center: My Home Select “Schedule Meeting” to set meeting options
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Scheduling Your Meeting Click the Schedule Meeting icon Complete the meeting form fields The fields with asterisks must be completed Then click Meeting Options
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meeting Options Use the hyperlinks to jump to the meeting detail areas
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meeting Options Customize meeting information –Meeting ID and key –Language (currently English or Japanese) –Meeting size –Entry control
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meeting Options Enable or disable meeting features –Extended registration (Name, and company) –Meeting Lobby (A waiting room for early joiners) –Content Expiration (Automatically delete old content)
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meeting Options Additional features –Select the default as to which features are available during a meeting –If the option isn’t selected here, presenters can’t enable them during a meeting –If they are selected here, presenters may disable them during a meeting.
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meeting Options- Audioconferencing Customize your Audio preferences –Enter your Instant Meeting Audioconferencing number with the leader and participant passcode Click Set as Default to save these selections for future meetings
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meeting Options After setting your Meeting Options, you may invite your participants by entering their addresses either in the “attendees” or the “presenters” area of Schedule Meeting.
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Invitations The presenters and the attendees will receive different links to join the meeting.
PT /07/04 Meet Now In Microsoft ® Office ® Live ® Meeting 2005
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meet Now Meet Now is a quick way to start a meeting The Meet Now link will launch your “Meet Now” meeting. This is a different “location” than when you schedule a meeting. Content left in your Meet Now meeting will remain unless deleted. Default settings are set separately for Meet Now than for scheduled meetings.
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meet Now Set your Meet Now defaults 1. Select “Meet Now Details” 2. Select “Meet Now Options”
8/16/ Live Meeting 2005: Meet Now Note the “Meet Now Options” title instead of the “Meeting Options” title found on the same page for scheduled meetings. The hyperlinks at the top of the page will quickly take you to any section that needs updating. The Meet Now Options choices are the same as for scheduled calls, but you may make and save different options.
PT /07/04 Outlook ® Integration with Microsoft ® Office ® Live Meeting 2005
8/16/ Outlook® Integration: Installing the Add-Ins Visit the Downloads page. ( Click on the Live Meeting Add-in pack for Microsoft® Outlook® and follow the instructions. Double-click the downloaded installation file (LMADDIN.EXE) to begin the installation, and then follow the instructions. You must set-up login information and fill in the preferences to use the integration. The Preference dialog box will now appear.
8/16/ Outlook® Integration: Setting Your Preferences Select the Schedule Meeting Preferences tab Add in your Instant Meeting Audioconferencing number in the format seen below. The word “Dial”, the number you would dial, the word “PIN”, the “:” and the passcode. Select the Meet Now Preferences and add in your Instant Meeting number and password there as well.
8/16/ Outlook® Integration: Setting Login Information From the Preference dialog box* select the Organizer Information tab. Enter your user ID, Password, and the last part of your Live Meeting Web Address, then click OK. –Ex. – Note: Since the organizer information has not yet been defined, the first time you set the Preferences a message indicates that the add-in cannot log into Live Meeting. Click “OK” to continue. Last part of your Live Meeting web address
8/16/ Outlook® Integration: Meet Now A Live Meeting Toolbar now appears in Outlook Click “Meet Now” An message with the Meet Now meeting information will appear. Send it to your attendees just as you would send any other . The text includes a link to the meeting as well as the meeting ID and key. After sending the , the add-in automatically launches your browser and the Live Meeting.
PT /07/04 Meeting Lobby in Microsoft ® Office ® Live Meeting 2005
8/16/ Meeting Lobby: Login What the lobby attendee sees Meeting Lobby Entry Message Custom Greeting
8/16/ Meeting Lobby: Attendees View Meeting Entry Message What the lobby attendee sees
PT /07/04 Presenting in Microsoft ® Office ® Live Meeting 2005
8/16/ Presenter Console Familiar Microsoft Office interface creates an intuitive interface Easy to Access annotation tools Easy navigation between documents No need to open a new window to change to a new presentation or select an annotation tool.
8/16/ Starting the Audioconference When using the Join Conference and/or Audio Broadcast feature, the Audio and Recording Setup window will appear. Click Join Conference to have Live Meeting phone you (if you selected this option in Meeting Options in the scheduling or Meet Now tool.) Click Start Broadcasting to have Live Meeting broadcast your audio presentation one-way to your audience (if you selected this option in Meeting Options) Note: The Recording area does not appear for attendees. To reopen the Audioconferencing window, if it is closed, click on the phone icon on the toolbar
8/16/ Starting the Audioconference
8/16/ Sending Out Invitations You may send out an invitation from the presenter’s console. The person will receive either the presenter’s passcode or the attendee’s passcode based the line you enter their address. You may enter a personalized message, or meeting information will automatically be sent.
8/16/ Sending Out Invitations A presenter will receive the below if no message is added. Meeting name An attendee would be invited to attend.
8/16/ Uploading Documents Presenters may upload any printable document Excel and Word are only two of the new types of documents that can be uploaded to the meeting. Great for highlighting on diagrams or documents
8/16/ Uploading Documents- Drag and Drop Upload documents, quickly and simply with the new “Drag and Drop” feature. Drag and Drop can be used from any location that you can select a file.
8/16/ Uploading a File to Present- Click and Select 1. Click 2. Browse for your file or document 3. Highlight the file or document and click “Open” 4. Live Meeting will import your file or document into the Resources Panel. Please note: you may import most printable document types, including Adobe Acrobat, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Visio and Word. Most PowerPoint slide transitions and animations are supported. You can import multiple resources into your meeting room.
8/16/ Selecting Your Document to Present 1. Select the document to be shown in the Resources panel (An alternate way to choose your document: Click Tools Manage Resources from drop down menu) 2. To switch to a different resource (document), click on another one in the Resources panel 3. Click on any slide in the Thumbnail Navigation panel to begin showing your document’s content
8/16/ Moving Through a Presentation There are three easy ways to move through your document. 1. Click on the Up/Down arrows on the menu 2. Click on any slide in the Thumbnail Navigation panel 3. Use Keypad: Right or Down to move forward Left or Up to move backward
8/16/ Presenters can use the annotation tools to illustrate points during their meeting. Annotating A Presentation Annotation tools do not change the document, but do show during the meeting
8/16/ Annotating A Presentation Presenters have a selection of different tools Arrow Pointer (default) Red Ball Pointer Drawing tools Highlighter Stamp shapes Typing Eraser
8/16/ Slide-Building with PowerPoint Presenters may increase attendees interest with show slide-builds and PowerPoint animations –Animations built in PowerPoint now translate to Live Meeting
PT /07/04 Controlling the Meeting in Microsoft ® Office ® Live Meeting 2005
8/16/ Adjusting Your Viewing Area- 3 Ways Hide Console Panels (Minimized programs and thumbnails will still be across the bottom of the screen) - Click View Hide Panels from the menu or use Ctrl + H -To return, repeat the steps View Show Panels or Ctrl + H True Full Screen (Similar to PowerPoint slideshow- only the slide will appear on screen) Click View Full Screen Mode, click the full-screen icon on the menu bar or use F5 –To return, right click and select Full Screen Mode from the menu that appears or use Esc.
8/16/ Adjusting Your Viewing Area (continued) Zoom into Documents Click View Zoom or Click –Available when displaying documents other than PowerPoint Presentations –Can be adjusted to larger or smaller view at any time –Now see each document at its best view Note: Audience view is independent of the presenter view Every attendee may choose the view that is best for him regardless of his resolution or eyesight.
8/16/ Elevating an Attendee to Presenter Presenters can make an attendee a presenter during a meeting.
8/16/ Designating the Active Presenter The Active presenter role can be given to other presenters Keep other presenters from changing slides during a meeting. This is a great tool for “All Hands calls” or company announcements when groups of leaders are presenting to a large number of attendees.
8/16/ Adding Attendee Profiles Attendees can add their own profiles including pictures, address and phone number. Once entered, the attendee’s profiles can appear in all meetings or be deleted by the attendee. This is a great way for Trainers and Sales Reps to make their information available.
8/16/ Locking the Meeting Presenters may lock the meeting for additional security. –No new attendees may join. –New presenters may still join Prevent early joiners for your next meeting from hearing confidential information. Prevent stragglers from joining. Control who should attend your meeting
PT /07/04 Sharing in Microsoft ® Office ® Live Meeting 2005
8/16/ How to Show or Share 1.Click the Insert Sharing Slide icon (or on the menu bar click on Share-> Document with Application Sharing) 2. Choose what to share Desktop, The Sharing Frame or, Share a specific application 3. Click OK when ready Share a single application Application Sharing is a great way to collaborate on creating presentations
8/16/ Application Sharing – Display There are some preferences that can be changed each time you share. Or you can click “OK” and share with the defaults. On the Display tab, select the appropriate color depth for your application sharing session.
8/16/ Application Sharing - Control On the Control tab, elect to allow meeting participants request control during your application sharing session, by clicking the Allow requests for control checkbox.
8/16/ Application Sharing - Screen Resolution On the Screen Resolutions tab, view the screen resolutions of all meeting participants, select the best resolution for your application sharing session then click OK.
8/16/ Showing Your Application Your application or desktop will automatically be shown to your audience The Live Meeting Sidebar allows you to pause or end sharing and provides easy access to common tasks. Return to Live Meeting End App Sharing Share Control Pause Sharing Question Manager Seating Chart Attendee List Resources Sharing Options
8/16/ Sharing an Application: Passing Control 3. Confirm by clicking Yes Nancy Choose the participant and click OK 4. To take control back, click Take Control Click Share Control
8/16/ Using the Share Frame Sidebar Light area is visible to the audience
8/16/ Application Sharing – Requesting Control During Application Sharing, attendees may request control As issues come up, attendees can signal presenters their willingness to take control
PT /07/04 Creating Special Slides in Microsoft ® Office ® Live Meeting 2005 Whiteboard, Web Tour, Text Slide, Polling and Snapshot
8/16/ Creating Special Slides: Menu Bar Presenters may create special slides during their meeting. These special slides are: Whiteboard, Web Tour, Text, Polling and Snapshot. Application Sharing included on the menu bar, but is discussed separately because it includes more than just creating a slide.
8/16/ Whiteboard The Icon that looks like a slide with a pencil launches a whiteboard slide. Presenters may use all the annotation tools on the whiteboard. Annotation tools Whiteboard Icon
8/16/ Web Tour The Web Tour icon will take all attendees to the entered web site. Once there all attendees may interact with the web site. Great for getting attendees to fill out surveys or sign up for additional information.
8/16/ Text Slide The Text slide allows presenters to type in messages. Great for taking notes and action items during the meeting.
8/16/ Polling Polling allows a presenter to get feedback from attendees. Type in your questions Attendees will then vote online Feedback appears immediately
8/16/ Snapshot Snapshot allows presenters to capture part of a document or picture and add that into the meeting as a slide. Snapshot is great for showing just part of a document Snapshot is great for capturing intense graphics and displaying it within the meeting. Snapshot frame
PT /07/04 Remote Desktop Sharing in Microsoft ® Office ® Live Meeting 2005 Great for Help Desk Applications
8/16/ Starting Remote Desktop Sharing Any presenter can Start Remote Desktop Sharing with any other presenter. If the other person is not a presenter, he or she can be promoted to a presenter.
8/16/ Starting Remote Desktop Sharing To start Remote Desktop Sharing, select it under Tools on the menu bar. Select the presenter whose desktop you want to share. They will have to accept the sharing.
8/16/ Questions? Thank you for reviewing Microsoft Office® Live Meeting If you have any questions you or need technical assistance, please contact us at Our address is
8/16/ PROPRIETARY STATEMENT This document and any attached materials are the sole property of MCI® and are not to be used by you other than to evaluate MCI’s service. This document and any attached materials are not to be disseminated, distributed, or otherwise conveyed throughout your organization to employees without a need for this information or to any third parties without the express written permission of MCI. ©2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. PlaceWare is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft, the Microsoft Office Logo, and PlaceWare are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation or PlaceWare, Inc. in the United States and other countries. This presentation is for informational purposes only. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, in this summary.