NaturalChurchDevelopment Welcome to NCD Form groups of 3-4 Welcome Magkikilala muna. What do you know about NCD? What are you hoping to learn about NCD?


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Presentation transcript:


Welcome to NCD Form groups of 3-4 Welcome Magkikilala muna. What do you know about NCD? What are you hoping to learn about NCD? Worship Word What is one passage of Scripture about the church that you long to see fulfilled? Share this with your group. Warfare Pray that the Lord will fulfill these desires for the churches present. Pray also that the Lord would use this day to help accomplish that.

“Sometimes we are so focused on FRUIT......that we forget the ROOT that produces the fruit.”

Mark 4:26-29 A man scatters seed… the seed sprouts and grows… All by itself the soil produces grain …

1 Corinthians 3:6 I planted, Apollos watered, God made it grow...

The Big Question How can we release the potential that God has placed within EVERY church?

International Research Project 1,000 churches 32 countries 18 languages 5 continents

Eight Essential Qualities Enabling Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Services Comprehensive Small Groups Need-meeting Evangelism Loving Relationships

Enabling Leadership Congratulations, pastor! Your leadership training was so successful that we don‘t need you any longer.

Enabling Leadership Leaders train others for the ministry, rather than just doing the ministry All leaders enable others, not just the pastor Mentoring, equipping, coaching On-the-job training Apprentice leaders developed

Gift-based Ministry

Members helped to identify gift(s) Gifts matched to ministries Gifts counselor in place Joy in serving

Passionate Spirituality Hunger for God Strong in Prayer Personal spiritual disciplines Holiness, obedience

Passionate Spirituality “To honor Christ, to become like Him, to work for Him,’s highest ambition and its greatest joy.” Ellen White The Faith I Live By, p. 166

Effective Structures But I love our traditions!

Effective Structures All ministries have goals Evaluation Change ineffective structures

Inspiring Worship Services I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord. -- Psalm 122:1

Inspiring Worship Services Psalm 122:1 I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.”

Worship Edification Fellowship Prayer Outreach Comprehensive Small Groups

Ministry to one another’s felt needs: spiritual, emotional, physical, social Operation of spiritual gifts Trust Love Multiplication Comprehensive Small Groups

Need-meeting Evangelism

Aware of felt needs in the community Ministries meet felt needs Members mobilized to effectively evangelize contacts gained New believer-friendly services New believers assimilated Need-meeting Evangelism

Atmosphere of joy and trust Affirmation and encouragement Prayer for one another Loving Relationships

Marunong magpatawad Walang tampuhan Kung sakali may tampuhan, aayusin Bihira ang paninirang puri Bihira ang chismisan Loving Relationships

Eight Essential Qualities Enabling Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Services Comprehensive Small Groups Need-meeting Evangelism Loving Relationships

Diagnosis muna bago gamutin

Work on your weakness Improving quality in your church's weak area often results in quantitative church growth. Priority Work Area Priority

Work on your weakness Improving quality in your church's weak area often results in quantitative church growth. Priority Work Area Priority

Eight Essential Qualities Enabling Leadership Gift-based Ministry Passionate Spirituality Effective Structures Inspiring Worship Services Comprehensive Small Groups Need-meeting Evangelism Loving Relationships

Declining and Growing Churches Compared Leadership Ministry Spirituality Structures Relationships Small groups Evangelism Worship service declining churches growing churches Leadership Ministry Structures Small groups Relationships Evangelism Worship service Spirituality

PHASE 1 Prepare to Launch NCD 1 Month PHASE 2 Do the Survey 2 Months PHASE 3DiscussSurveyResults 1 Month PHASE 4 Develop Action Plans 2 Months PHASE 5 Work on Your Goals 6 Months PHASE 6EvaluateAndRepeat 2 Months+


Gaya- gaya Apply Principles

Many Principles


Malaki ang ating potential! 9.1% Evangelical / Full Gospel! 51,600 churches!

Kaya lang … Maraming mahihinang churches Maraming namamatay

Napakaganda kung … … the body of Christ may be built up … until we all reach unity in the faith … and in the knowledge of the Son of God … and become mature

Napakaganda kung … … attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ … speaking the truth in love … the whole body … grows and builds itself up in love … as each part does its work. (Eph. 4:11-16)

Our Vision Healthy churches Healthy churches that reproduce 20,000 churches that will improve in health 100,000 churches