Discoverer Plus University of Virginia Integrated System February 2010
Compare Logging In 3
4 Discoverer Plus is a web application that you log into much as you do the Integrated System. It does not remember your username. The responsibility UVA ODS Specialist is the default responsibility name.
6 Compare Opening a Workbook
8 You can set your options to show up to 10 recently used reports.
9 Use Tools, Options To Set Options for Future Queries Note: To change the layout in a current session use Edit, Sheet.
10 Set number of workbooks in recently used list here. Tools, Options for Future Queries
11 Tools, Options for Future Queries Change limits for your query on the Query Governor tab.
12 Tools, Options for Future Queries Set gridlines, row numbers, etc. on the Sheet tab.
13 Open Workbook
14 ISWEB in the Owner column indicates the report has been converted for Discoverer Plus.
15 GA is the new FM Grants Accounting report names now have GA as the name prefix - not FM Note the + signs Partial Key Search – Key “ GA “ and click ENTER.
16 One workbook can contain multiple worksheets. Consolidated Workbooks
HR Reports 17 NOTE: HR reports won’t open unless you are logged in as UVA ODS Specialist- Limited.
Your session will terminate after 2 hours of inactivity 18 Schedule reports if they run a long time.
Reports owned by ISWEB will format correctly on the screen and on print report layout. Only one workbook can be opened per login session, but workbooks can contain many worksheets. ISDS has consolidated the finance reports into fewer workbooks with more worksheets. Remember – if you want to open a second session – launch from the IS main page Review 19
Review Now Grants reports are GA instead of FM You can search for workbooks titles contain a value such as GA_ or HR_ Remember – if you are looking for HR you have to add –Limited or –Restricted to the UVA ODS Specialist responsibility on the log on screen. NOTE still reporting from the ODS. Restrictions still apply – such as day delay for password change, etc. 20
21 Open Workbook or any worksheet within the workbook
22 Ready to Run?
Enter Parameter Values 23
24 Search for Parameters!
Partial Key Search 25 Start typing and click [Go] for a short list
Running Your Query 26
27 VIEW: Selected items Shows selected items on left
EDIT CURRENT WORKSHEET 28 Select EDIT on the menu bar. Worksheet properties
Edited Sheet 29 This shows the edited sheet Note the gridlines in blue.
Moving Among Sheets in a Workbook 30 Arrows grayed out but active
Title Prints Double Spaced 31
Printing 32 After printing a Range of pages you MUST change the numbers back to 1 – 9999 Just selecting All won’t do it.
Print Differences 33 Title prints Double Spaced Page number in footer shows absolute page number not Page 1 of 45
Move Page Items Place in front of the column where you want it to go. 34
Move Page Items 35 Dropping a page item on top of a column header will cause the column header in the worksheet to LEAP to the page items row. Award Number Project Number
Items Switch Places 36
37 Edit, Worksheet, Conditions
Edit, Worksheet, Select Items, Conditions Tab 38 Right Click to de-Select the Condition
Saving and Sharing 39 Yes, If and only if you have made changes.
40 Sharing Click File, Share to SHARE your saved workbook with other users.
File, Open, View, My Workbooks 41 to see the workbooks you have saved
42 File, Close, to Exit Workbook If you click the red X you close the Discoverer session
43 Export to Excel Discoverer can freeze at several places when you try to export to excel. If it freezes before it even attempts to export the file, you need to: CTRL+ALT+DEL, TASK MANAGER, END Discoverer Plus Empty Java Cache (contact ITC help desk or LSP for help) Restart Discoverer Plus
44 Export to Excel If Discoverer freezes after the export when attempting to open excel with the exported data: Pop-up box below comes up hidden behind the Discoverer Window This is a catch 22 situation - Discoverer waits until you say you want to open the file, but you can’t see the box.
45 Export to Excel Minimize Discoverer Plus to locate the pop-up box. Click Open Note: If you uncheck the “Always ask before opening this type of file” it will not pause at this point in the future.
Discoverer Plus Upgrade Information 46 Quick links to documentation of the upgrade including the simulation linked below: