The Righteousness of the Kingdom (Part 1) Matthew 5:17-7:27
2 Sermon on the Mount The nature of righteousness in kingdom of heaven (Matt. 4:23) Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law of Moses, Matt. 5:17-18 (Rom. 10:4)
3 Scribes and Pharisees (Matt. 5:19-20) Thought righteousness was accomplished by keeping the law, Gal. 3:10-12; Acts 13:39 Hypocritical and self-righteous in their approach to righteousness (Matt. 23:23) Righteousness of the kingdom: Living by faith from a pure heart, 6:21, 33 (Rom. 1:16-17)
4 Our Righteousness (Matthew 5:20) External action is not the defining mark of righteousness, Matt. 5:21-48 Fails the heart test, 5:8; Lk. 16:15 Problem of self-righteousness, Lk. 18:9-12 Glorifies itself, not God (5:16)
5 Law-keeping void of the heart is not the gospel of the kingdom Matthew 5:21-48 OT Law/Interpretation (Conduct) Do not murder Do not commit adultery Divorce…give a certificate of divorce Gospel of Kingdom (Cause, Motive of heart) No anger w/o cause Do not lust in your heart The cause for putting away
6 Law-keeping void of the heart is not the gospel of the kingdom Matthew 5:21-48 OT Law/Interpretation (Conduct) Do not swear falsely An eye for an eye Love your neighbor and hate your enemy Gospel of Kingdom (Cause, Motive of heart) Integrity (yes be yes) Mercy from the heart Love your enemy to be sons of God
7 Toward a brother, 5:21-26 Toward lust and moral purity, 5:27-30 Toward spouse (divorce), 5:31-32 Toward truthfulness, 5:33-37 Toward peacefulness, 5:38-42 Toward enemies, 5:43-48 Righteousness touches the disposition of the heart Matthew 5:21-48
8 Take Heed: Inspect your devotion of heart, Matthew 6:1-18 The motive of righteousness (6:1) NOT to attract the attention and praise of men, 6:2, 5, 7, 16 (Jno.12:42-43; Phil. 2:21) To be seen, acknowledged and approved by God, Matt. 6:4, 6, 18
9 Take Heed: Inspect your devotion of heart, Matthew 6:1-18 Alms (charitable deeds), 6:1-4 What is supposed to be for others must not become a display for glory from others
10 Take Heed: Inspect your devotion of heart, Matthew 6:1-18 Prayer, 6:5-15 What is reverential communication with God must not become a display of piety for others
11 Take Heed: Inspect your devotion of heart, Matthew 6:1-18 Fasting, 6:16-18 What is a self-refining dedication process unto God must not become an occasion to be praised by other
12 Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness (Matt. 6:33) Objective of righteousness To be perfect (complete) like our heavenly Father, Matt. 5:48
13 Why Your Personal Righteousness Matters The blessings of the kingdom, Matt. 5:3-12, 20 So you will not be lost Your influence in the world, Matt. 5:13-16 So you can help save others God’s glory and honor, Matt. 5:16 So you can influence others for good