COURSE INTRODUCTION ItemsDescription Course CodeFEM3312 Course NameSocial Demography Credit Hour3 (3+0) Student Learning Time (SLT) (Hours/Sem) 120
SYNOPSIS This course encompasses the interaction between demographic factors such as population size, composition and distribution and relevant socio- cultural factors and the effect of the demographic factors on people’s well being.
LEARNING OUTCOME 1. Identify socio-cultural factors that affect the composition and distribution of population and implication of size, composition and distribution of population on human life. (C4,CS) 2.Elaborate on social demography as a dynamic field in the study of human population. (A2, EM) 3.Identify important elements in the study of human population, specifically regarding the size, composition and distribution of population. (P1,LL)
COURSE CONTENT TopicTitle 1.Introduction to social demography: history, Malthusian theory of population 2.Data collection in demography 3.Population and size 4.Fertility 5.Mortality 6.Migration and size of population 7.Population composition 8.Population distribution and urbanization 9.Population policy
COURSE EVALUATION WeekAssessmentSubmission Date Marks 1-7Test 1 (Topic 1-5)Week 520% 8-12AssignmentWeek 1040% 15Final Exam (Topic 6-9)-40%
REFERENCES Abernethy, V. (2005). Population Pressure and Cultural Adjustment. Edison: Transaction Publishers Poston, D. L. & Micklin, M. (2006). Handbook of Population. New York: Springer Rowland, D. T. (2003). Demographic Methods and Concepts. New York: Oxford University Press. Weeks, J. R. (2006). Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues (10th Edition). Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
COURSE LECTURER ItemsDescription NameDr. Nobaya Ahmad PositionAssociate Professor AddressRoom No. A229, Department of Social and Development Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, University Putra Malaysia. Office No Mobile No Fax No
ASSIGNMENT About Assignment 1. All assignments must be written in an essay form that is worth 40% of all evaluation marks. 2. Assignment must be submitted by week 10 to Unit Pembelajaran dan Bimbingan Akademik (UPBA), UPMET. 3. Late submission will affect your overall marks. 4. Please ensure that documentations related to submission of assignments and other works be kept as proof of submission.
ASSIGNMENT Guidelines 1. All assignment must be typed. 2. All typed documents must be 11/2 spaced. 3. All typed documents must be in Times New Roman 12 point font. 4. The format of the assignment consist of these main headings: A. Introduction to the country/state B. Demographic characteristics C. Factors affecting the demography D. Conclusion. E. References/Bibliography 5. All documents must have standard cover that contains: Your complete name, matrix no., semester and program, course code and name, assignment’s title and lecturer’s full name. 6. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
ASSIGNMENT QUESTION (40%) Title: Demography of……(state name of country/state) Using a country or a state in Malaysia as your choice, describe the demographic characteristics of the country/state. The demographic characteristics should include the social characteristics like size of population, ethnicity, fertility rate, mortality rate; economic characteristics like employment rate; factors affecting the demography of the country/state like migration, natural disaster, famine, war, population policy etc and other aspects of the country that is related to its demography. The assignment should not exceed 20 pages including all the appendices. Please include all references used in the bibliography section.