title The Green Paper work at LSIS – messages for ISCs
The DfE commissioned LSIS to undertake a project to share effective practice in relation to the 7 themes Share outputs against the allocated themes Effective leadership Excellent teaching practice including work around ITT and CPD Effective learning support Getting the best from all staff Identifying and tackling the cause of difficult behaviour Planning for young people’s future A broad curriculum offer Cluster approach (GFE, ISP, Special School) 2 cluster meetings, 1 peer visit
ISPs who took part Orchard Hill College (Behaviour and Getting the best from staff) Doncaster College (Curriculum and Planning) Sense College (Learning Support and Behaviour) Glasshouse College (Teaching and Learning; Planning) Northern Counties (Teaching and Learning; Planning) National Star (Learning Support; Behaviour) Exeter College for the deaf (Learning Support; Behaviour) Linkage (Learning Support; Planning) Portland College (Learning Support; Planning) Beaumont College (Leadership: Curriculum)
(ACL) Adult and Community1 (FE) College of Further Education32 (LA )Local Authority (Including Connexions)1 (ISP) Independent Specialist Provider 10 (SFC) Sixth Form College 2 (SS) Special School 8 (YOI) Young Offenders Institution 1 Total Number of Providers 55
There was a strong level of commitment to the project despite the punishing timescale 54 providers started, 53 completed Representatives from all providers attended each of the two cluster meetings (219 attendees in total) All 53 providers delivered their outputs on time 80 peer visits were undertaken (target was 54) with some immediate change to practice as a result of visits e.g. piloting of new curriculum models Introduction of diary rooms to hear the learner voice Trialling of a restorative justice model 120 outputs against the themes, most of which are now on the Excellence Gateway
New partnerships were formed as a result of cluster working NE LLDD network formed 5 London providers will continue to work together SW cluster will form a cross college Behaviour Forum WM cluster will continue to work together with a focus on ‘Planning’ NW will use Linkedin as a forum for continued debate, will undertake ‘staff swapping’, will deliver co/joint training YH will continue to meet focusing on co delivery and joint curriculum models Schools and Colleges working together to deliver training
Drilling down into the work of Exeter College of the Deaf 2 LSIS Outputs: Output 1: Identifying & tackling the causes of difficult behaviour Excellence Gateway has paper outlining our system for tracking student progress against 3 key behaviour indicators: Learning behaviour Conduct behaviour Emotional behaviour
Output 2: Effective Learning Support ERADE’S specialist college has a team of 34 CSWs & 4 Academy tutors supporting 40 deaf students in 3 partner mainstream FE colleges for the vocational element of their learning. Output: Survey of 10 deaf students Focus : “How effective is the CSW Service in supporting & empowering deaf students to become successful in their learning and to develop high aspirations.” Survey involved 2 filmed interviews & 8 paper based
Output 2 : Video Clips On Excellence Gateway are video clips in BSL with voice over and subtitles of : CSW Manager describing the CSW support service 2 deaf students giving feedback on the service Analysis of the findings of the survey Watch them here
Supporting Inclusive Learning & Challenging Low Outcomes ERADE adopts a social model to inclusion ensuring each student can be part of their community. ERADE is committed to challenging low outcomes for deaf learners Nationally, a high proportion of deaf learners drop out of FE & only 20% (cf to 30% hearing) achieve Level 3 outcomes
Key Support Features 3 key generic features of an effective support system: (1)Knowing how the learner learns best (2)Knowing what the learner needs to learn (3)Offering appropriate support/interventions to ensure successful learning is taking place Important to have high expectations of student’s achievement and well targeted support
Case Study: Student A (1)How does Student A Learn Best? In small groups Delivery via BSL Opportunity for 1:1 support/tuition Kinaesthetic, visual learning Use of clear simple English Good acoustic environment Participants (eg lecturers and peer group) deaf aware
(2) What Does Student A Need To Learn? Course requirements (vocational & core subjects) WRL/Careers Guidance Organisational skills/study skills Social skills (eg interacting with peer group/hearing awareness) Independence skills//travel/time keeping Positive Deaf Identity Managing emotions & resilience How to access support systems/benefits eg DEA/Access to Work
(3) Learning Support/Interventions for Student A Trained, qualified CSWs communicating via BSL (min L3) and able to note- take Pre and post tutoring of lectures via specialist tutors and CSWs Tutors to monitor and support partnership placement (eg college inclusion plans) Tutors to have pastoral & academic role for caseload Half termly target reviews with students Deaf awareness training for partnership tutors/lecturers
(3)Learning Support Partnership Agreements with FE Colleges monitored at high level (eg Assistant Principal) with QA systems Specialist teachers with good BSL skills to develop functional skills Access to specialist therapy team eg Clinical Psychologist & counsellors, student mentors Support by specialist speech& language therapists, Audiologist, OT, Physiotherapist etc Access to Deaf role models,BSLTutors,Deaf peer group Close liaison with connexions/careers guidance
Workshop Activity: Objectives Identify student’s needs and appropriate interventions/support at your centre Share good practice with colleagues Identify further aspects of intervention/support which could be implemented at your centre
Workshop Activity In groups (max 3 people per group if from different centres) choose a known student On the flipcharts list: (1)How the student learns best (2) What the student needs to learn (3) What support/interventions are offered/needed for this student Feedback