Choose & Book Common Issues Identified
Problems with Choose and Book 2 Slow Performance 3 Strange Behaviours 1 Does not Run
Does not Run CaB Desktop shortcut missing. CaB application hangs or system error message is displayed. The PC hangs when CaB launched. Checking Authentication Screen hangs. Firefox association appears. Red Permission screen displayed. Pop-Up Blockers.
Choose and Book desktop icon has been deleted and is missing from desktop. 1.Create a new desktop shortcut with the icon found at : Copy this shortcut to :- “c:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop”. SymptomsResolutions CaB Desktop Shortcut Missing
Application hangs or Error message
SymptomsResolutions CaB application hangs or system error message is displayed. 1.Press F5 button to refresh the CaB session to initial navigation page. Application hangs or Error message
SymptomsResolutions When CaB is launched, the PC ‘hangs’. 1.Launch the Task Manager and terminate all instances of iexplore.exe zombie processes or reboot PC. 2. Ensure user selects ‘log off’ button when closing CaB, not closing with the window kill button [X]. A permanent fix will be included in a future release of CaB. PC hangs when CaB is launched
SymptomsResolutions When launched, CaB repeatedly hangs during the ‘Checking Authentication;- Please Wait…’ screen. 1.Ensure all Internet Explorer cumulative update patches have been installed. 2.The IA installation is corrupt, remove and re-install the IA client. Checking Authentication Hangs
SymptomsResolutions When you open Choose and Book from the desktop icon, a Firefox file association error message appears. 1.Remove Firefox from PC. 2.Open Internet Explorer and select “Tools”, then “Internet Options”, then “Programs”, then choose “Reset Web Settings”. Firefox Association appears
Red Permission Error Screen
SymptomsResolutions Screen with message ‘You do not have permission to logon to this resource. Please contact your system administrator” is displayed after the role selection screen. 1. A newer version of Java has been installed on the PC. Copy across the 3 required Java files to the latest Java program directory. 2. Java did not register properly when installing the Choose and Book software. Remove Java and re-install using:- “j2re-1_4_2_04-windows-i586- p.exe” This is found in C:\Iainstaller\JVM. Reboot after removing and after reinstalling. Red Permission Error Screen
SymptomsResolutions When opening Choose and Book, the window opens then disappears quickly. 1. Choose and Book is being stopped by a “pop-up blocker”. 2. Ensure CaB website addresses are in IE ‘trusted sites’. 3. Add CaB website addresses to pop- up blockers exclusion list. POP-UP Blockers
Slow Performance All PCs in practice with slow performance. One PC in practice only with slow performance. Intermittent slow performance.
All PCs in GP Practice or Hospital experiencing slow CaB response. 1. Identify potential local network bottlenecks or constraints through a packet sniffer. 2. Consider upgrading to N3 if using an inferior connection. 3. Ask BT N3 Help Desk to monitor line for anomalies. SymptomsResolutions All PCs slow
Only one PC slow when using Choose and Book. 1. Check if PC meets minimum specification for CaB both in RAM, memory and CPU specifications. 2. Check if PC infected with Spyware, remove with Anti- Spyware software. SymptomsResolutions One PC slow
Intermittent slow performance on one or more PCs. 1. N3 has an over used Router that experiences heavy traffic from time to time slowing down Choose and Book. 2. Ensure your N3 broadband capacity is correct. Symptoms Resolutions Intermittent slow performance
Strange Behaviours The “Advice and Guidance” form hangs when submitting. Opening Referral letters of RTF format with a filename over 40 characters. Referral letters with commas in their filename cause an error when submitted. GP’s receiving ‘SAML assertion error’ when opening integrated Vision or ‘Unable to process login’ in native Choose and Book. IT Engineer cannot log on due to System Error. Directory of Services search query slow or hangs.
1. There is currently a 2000 character limit on this form. A permanent fix is being investigated. The “Advice and Guidance Additional Information” form hangs when you submitted. SymptomsResolutions Advice and Guidance form hangs
1. Currently requires they be saved to the desktop first then opened in word. A permanent fix is being investigated. Opening Referral letters of RTF format with a filename over 40 characters. SymptomsResolutions RTF Referral filenames over 40 characters
1. Remove all commas from referral letter filenames before attaching. A permanent fix is being investigated. Referral letters with commas in their filename cause an error when submitted. SymptomsResolutions Referral letter filenames with commas
GP’s receiving ‘SAML assertion error’ when opening integrated Vision or ‘Unable to process login’ in native CaB 1.GP’s practitioner code missing from their registration details in the SUD. SymptomsResolutions SAML assertion error
(E) System Error System Error
IT Engineer cannot log in due to System Error. 1. The Engineer has created a “Referring Clinician Admin Account” from the Spine without actually being a member of a practice. The spine will allow you to do this, but it won’t work. SymptomsResolutions System Error
Directory of Services search
Directory of services search queries are slow or hang application. 1.If entering postcode information ensure full postcode is entered as well as distance. SymptomsResolutions Directory of Services search