+ Let’s Travel Webquest! For Ms. Duffy and Ms. Kauffman’s Third Grade Class Introduction Task Process EvaluationConclusion Teacher’s Page Website Evaluations
+ Introduction Congratulations! You have been selected as a participant in the new student exchange program at our school. Over the next two months, you will travel to two different countries to live with families and learn about their culture. You will be traveling first to Sydney, Australia from March 1 st to March 31 st. Then you will travel to Tokyo, Japan from April 1 st to April 30 th. It will be an exciting trip and you will learn a lot. However, you will not be able to come home in between your travels. The clothes you want for each country will be shipped directly to your host family prior to your arrival. Remember climate and weather are different in each place you will travel to, so make sure you bring the appropriate attire! How are you going to know what to pack for the various weather conditions in each country?
+ Task Your task is to visit a variety of websites to gain greater knowledge of weather and climate in the two countries during the months in which you will be traveling. You will then Skype with your two host families using an attached list of acceptable questions to ask. To conclude, you will create a list of acceptable clothing choices for each country and will develop reasons why those choices are best. Be sure to make good choices using the information you gather!
+ Process Australia- while visiting these websites, answer the questions provided in this handout.handout Click here to analyze a chart about Sydney, Australia’s rainfall amounts, maximum average temperatures, and minimum average temperatures for the months of the year!here Click here to read more about the climate throughout the year in Sydney!here Japan- while visiting these websites, answer the questions provided in this handout.handout Click here to evaluate information about weather and climate throughout the year in Tokyo!here Click here to read about travel and weather in Tokyo!here Using the website here predict weather conditions for April 2012 using the provided weather from April 2011! here Skype In class, you will use your Skype account that we made last week to ask your two host families the questions provided in this handout.handout. Packing Lists! Using your gathered information, create two lists (one for Sydney, Australia and one for Tokyo, Japan) that detail your clothing choices and the reasons for those choices. The template for your lists is provided here. Please list at least five items or articles of clothing you will need for each country and provide a reason why you will need each item.here.
+ Evaluation
+ Conclusion Congratulations! Because of your great efforts in determining weather conditions, you’re now ready to travel to Sydney, Australia and Tokyo, Japan! Your host families can’t wait to meet you! Have a safe trip!
+ Teacher’s Page Grade Level: Third Grade Performance Objectives: Students will be able to choose proper attire for travel to various locations based on weather conditions and climate during a particular season. Students will be able to analyze information to complete handouts and learn about the relationship between weather and clothing choices. Students will be able to explore Web 2.0 Tools through the use of Skype Chatting. Students will be able to synthesize information researched and information gathered from the websites and the Skype interview. PA Academic Standards: ~Subject Area- Science and Technology and Engineering Education ~Standard Area- 3.3 Earth and Space Sciences ~Organizing Category: 3.3.A.- Earth Structure, Processes, and Cycles ~Standard A5: Explain how air temperature, moisture, wind speed and direction, and precipitation make up the weather in a particular place and time.
+ Website Evaluations Click here to review the website evaluations!here