Job $earch $trategie$
JOB HUNTING QUANDARY I am rather like a mosquito in a nudist camp. I know what I ought to do, but I don’t know where to begin. Stephen Bayne
Perform a Self-Assessment What do you want to do? What are your skills, abilities, experiences? Consider paid, unpaid, volunteer, and academic history. What can you offer an employer?
Define Your Employment Options Who has the jobs I seek? Do I want full-time/part-time? Can I relocate or commute? Can I free-lance at home? Can I work as a temp? Can I live on this salary?
“Right” your Résumé Create a top-notch résumé on quality stationery. Include a “killer” cover letter, tailored to each vacancy. Ask a professional to critique your work; all documents must be error-free. Mail all documents in a matching envelope.
Use Career Services On-campus interviews & info sessions Job Fairs Resources on cover letters, résumés, and interviewing CareerLink jobs database Internships Career Counseling & Advising
Target Your Network
Be strategic: Create your personal “yellow pages” network A way to compile information systematically A means of gaining exposure in the job market An opportunity to expand contacts NOT random NOT unstructured NOT unplanned NOT brief
Network…Everyone does it! Join professional organizations Enhance contacts Ask for referrals—Use faculty & family connections Tell everyone you know that you are seeking a job
**Networking Works! Mass mailings produce 1-3% results Networking produces 70% results Referrals produce 85% results **Using a combination of all strategies is most effective.
Use All Resources
Check these Websites Career Services at MSU Billings Newspapers in every state CareerOneStop MT Job Service
Respect Employers’ Expectations Demonstrate these employment skills: Be on time ALL THE TIME Complete work in a responsible manner Dress appropriately at the workplace Avoid personal use of phone & Follow company practices & policies Be professional ALL THE TIME
You’re on Your Way! Be patient Be persistent Be professional Good Luck!
Career Services University Campus: Lib City College: Jacket Student Central