Igreja dos Cristãos Resgatados de Deus em Angola RCCG – City Church Luanda Sul
Sunday School
Memory Verse: Luke 19:8 “And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord; Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold.” BIBLE PASSAGE: Luke 19:1-10 INTRODUCTION: Making right the wrong, otherwise called restitution is commanded by God to enable us follow peace with all men. It is an act of putting right what has been done wrongly. It is divine restoration of all things to their original order. In this lesson, we shall consider what restitution is and its blessing.
Outline 1: WHAT IS RESTITUTION? Restitution is an act of putting right what has been done wrongly, restoring what has been taken wrongly and repairing or giving any equivalent to loss or damage. This is a very important step for every believer for a clear conscience and good testimony. The doctrine has been taught at various dispensations.
Outline 2: RESTITUTION AT VARIOUS DISPENSATIONS. Restitution is not a new doctrine. It has been in practice before the law. Moses gave certain laws of restitution – Leviticus 6:1-6, 24:21, Numbers 5:6-8, Exodus 22:1-5. The doctrine was also confirmed up to the time of the kings and prophets – 2 Samuel 12:1-6, 2 Kings 8:1-6 and to the Church age, right from the time of Jesus Christ and the apostles until now – Luke 19:8- 10, Philemon 1:7-12.
Outline 3: THE BLESSINGS OF RESTITUTION A heart of restitution has the following to benefit from God Favour from God – Luke 2:52. Speedy answers to prayers – Luke 11:9. Fearlessness – Psalm 27:1. Healing – Psalm 107:20. Anointing for exploit – Acts 10:38. Hearing God from time to time Protection - Psalm 105:15. Heavenly provision - Psalm 132:
CONCLUSION Restitution is an avenue to make your ways right with your fellow man while salvation makes your ways right to God. One is not complete without other. Therefore, prayerfully take steps to put right those things you have done wrong.