Section 2: Age and Disability Section 3: Health CHAPTER 11 Gender, Age, and Health Section 1: Gender Section 2: Age and Disability Section 3: Health
SECTION 1 Gender Question: How do gender roles and the self-fulfilling prophecy affect women?
The Self-Fulfilling Prophesy of Sexism SECTION 1 Gender The Self-Fulfilling Prophesy of Sexism People who see women as incapable of holding positions of power make choices based on this belief. Men who see women as inferior oppose women entering powerful positions. Women who accept an inferior role do not pursue traditionally male roles. Thus, not enough women are in positions of power to push for greater access. The fact that few women hold positions of power is used to justify the opinion that women must be incapable of holding such positions.
SECTION 2 Age and Disability Question: How is the aging of the population affecting American society?
Effects of an Aging Population on American Society SECTION 2 Age and Disability Effects of an Aging Population on American Society Economic Effects Political Effects rising cost of health care; cost of Social Security; burden to family and younger workers; living longer in retirement becoming a stronger political force; organized voting bloc (AARP, etc.) focusing on health care, retirement, and Social Security
SECTION 3 Health Question: What are the special health care concerns of various segments of American society?
Health SECTION 3 Segment of Society Special Health-Care Concerns poor people elderly individuals AIDS sufferers people suffering from chronic illnesses often not insured; have difficulty accessing and paying for care; cannot afford prescription drugs; have few doctors in poor communities need more care than general population; often poor or on strict budgets; sometimes refused insurance coverage due to pre-existing conditions need constant care in advanced stages; sometimes refused care by caregivers because of fear of infection; often not covered by insurance often refused insurance coverage due to preexisting conditions; life-long care of illness is often extremely expensive
Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 11 1. Explain how the wage gap and the glass ceiling can be used to illustrate gender inequality. 2. How has the second shift helped to create a “leisure gap” between men and women? 3. How are gender roles and gender identity related to the experiences of boys and girls? 4. How has the aging of the population affected American society? 5. What effects have the aging of the population had on the opportunities in life available to elderly people? 6. What health-care issues are causing concern among Americans? 7. What is AIDS, and why is it considered such as pressing medical issue?