Part 2
Brake is a verb that means “to stop”. It can also be a noun to describe the object that does the braking. Ex: - You have to brake! - Hit the brake! There is a train coming! Break is a verb that means “to smash”. It can also be a noun to describe the act of separating. Ex:- I hope you don’t break the glass. - We were on a break
1.How many times are you going to _____________ up? 2.You need to learn where the _________ is in the car when you learn to drive. 3.I hate when I ____________ something valuable. 4.The train’s __________ system didn’t work before the crash.
Bye is what you say when you are leaving someone. Ex: I am leaving so I wanted to say bye. Buy is a verb that describes purchasing something. Ex: I have to go buy some bread. By is a preposition that means near to or close to something.
1.I have to go out to ________ some new shoes for school. 2.I get ________ with a little help from my friends. 3.I have to drop _______ her house today to pick up some stuff. 4.I have to say _______. I’m leaving on vacation.
Passed is a the past tense of the verb “to pass”. Ex: I passed him in the hallways today. I passed my exam today and I am so happy about it. Past can be an adjective, noun, or adverb. It describes time that has happened. Ex: I bet I was a fireman in my past life. Ex: Let it go! It’s in the past.
1.He __________ me the puck and I shot it ___________ the goalie. 2.I ____________ my driving test. 3.In the __________, I have always been nice to my friends. 4.How many _________ exams are there to help me practice? 5.I was a smurf in my _________ life but that time has __________.