Regions of France Poster project objective: to create a poster of a region of France to use as a visual aid in teaching others about this region. required info: 1.Region name (French and English) 2.Map of France, highlighting your region 3.List of names of the “départements” in your region 4.Geography of the region 5. 2 Famous monuments, world heritage sites, or castles in the region (include labeled photos) 6. 3 principle cities in your region or beautiful villages (include labeled photos) France Voyage (on the same internet site as above, click on your region) - OR
7. Also include 2-3 additional interesting photographs of your region (with labels) 8. Choose TWO additional points of interest from the list below to include (should have photos or drawings of each item you have chosen). Posters should… be well-researched with correct information be well-organized be neat be colorful be legible with proper spelling include all required information on the FRONT of the poster have your name on the back as well as any web address used that is not listed here Places of interest Sports Food History Festivals Flags Famous people, art, regional sports, music, or costumes