Selected OER in Romania prof. PhD Carmen Sonia Duse prof. PhD Dan Maniu Duse Paderborn, July2015.


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Presentation transcript:

Selected OER in Romania prof. PhD Carmen Sonia Duse prof. PhD Dan Maniu Duse Paderborn, July2015

Selected OER in Romania (Wiley, 2008) (OER) refers to educational resources (lesson plans, tests, syllabi, training modules, simulations, etc.), which are available for free use, reuse, adaptation, and sharing. Butcher (2011, p. 5) “OER are openly resources, available for use by educators and students without accompanying need to pay royalties or license fees.“ Downes (2011) "open educational resources are used to support education materials that can be freely accessed, reused, modified and shared by anyone.“ OER Foundation (2013) " learning materials that are authorized in a way that provides permissions to individuals and institutions for reuse, adapt and modify materials for their own use."

Selected OER in Romania Types of OER Individual OER (also called learning objects) can be considered the digital resources that can be used and reused to support learning. Learning Objects include a word or a concept, a table, an illustration, an interactive diagram, a set of test items, a simulation program, and other forms of online content that supports student learning some point or principle.

Selected OER in Romania OER include semi-structured and open digital library collections open encyclopedias that can be effectively used as reference materials. They provide reference materials and sources materials, books, magazines, catalogs, posters, photographs, magazines, other periodicals and manuscripts that can be used and re-used freely by educators and students for teaching, learning and research. Khan Academy, which offers a collection of videos tutoring, and Public Library of Science, which publishes seven magazines with free access to the fields of biology and medicine etc.

Selected OER in Romania Structured OER- Encyclopedias are open reference materials that contain descriptions or articles on a wide range of topics or different aspects of an area. These OER can be used by teachers and students in conducting research and finding and verifying information. Exp.: Wikipedia where entries are created by the public and maintained by teams of volunteer experts; Stanford University Encyclopedia of Philosophy and Canadian Theatre Encyclopedia allowing the introduction of the public and ensure accuracy by experts.

Selected OER in Romania Very structured OER include open hand and open online courses such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Open textbooks include both traditional textbooks, which were made available online and new ones created and educators as textbooks allowing free access. Some other open courses are related to training materials such as syllabi, lecture notes, texts, lectures, handouts, study materials, practice articles, exams, and video lectures, which are used to teach a specific course. Examples of open courses include MITOpenCourseWare (OCW) iTune U's free courses18), and OUUK's OpenLearn.

Selected OER in Romania www. the largest portal of educational resources in the country. offer lesson plans, tests and planning for teacher secondary from education, structured depending on subjects For teachers: improving teaching methodic For students: can find complete details on school competitions, topics and schedule of competetions and example of subjects for different exams more than half a million registered members and nearly 210,000 available resources No

Selected OER in Romania of experts who manage and distribute various resources, studies and documents of interest to librarians, archivists, specialists of the sector eGovernment Informal curriculum to learn about the new techniques and technologies, to manage and communicate data, information, knowledge to the general public Increasing the level of knowledge of the involved parties on open access publishing models, to support policy development for open access research, government and cultural heritage, establishing a national infrastructure to support and facilitate growth in number of works with access to full text datasets and aggregate resources. The portal has several sections: archives, libraries scholarship pro- jects, digital pre-servation, profes-sional resources, know-how etc. Ooo (open-source, open-content, open-acces) Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0

Selected OER in Romania online platform for teachers - an advanced "social networking" integrating facilities, current web technologies and services, to a single professionals categories proposes to create a virtual environment for advanced professional development of teachers integrating web 2.0 tools and specific features of virtual communities for information and training, Online courses To facilitate the exchange of experience, to develop distance teaching projects for socio-professional collaboration, for natural familiarity with new technologies. ITeach members have the opportunity to publish articles in journals such as Journal of Education, Elearning.Romania, EDICT, and others online publication online courses on iTeach platform, which aims to develop pedagogical skills and specialist teachers entered Need copyright permission

Selected OER in Romania to improve the education and training process in the technical university education system. It is s a programme for the initial and continuous training of the academic staff, focused on integrating interactive teaching and learning techniques and IT&C among the professors' competences 1.To develop a "Standard quality for professors" and a "personal development plans" for university staff; 2. Acquisition of institutional competence, procedures and methodologies in terms of organization, implementation and promotion of initial and continuing training programs,; 3. Teachers training to extend and successful use of teaching and learning techniques based on the support of ICT; 4. Increasing the professional development of beginner teachers by imple- menting a mentoring program; Training program in blended-learning, modern educational technologies and the use of ICT in teaching in Romania, dedicated exclusively for professors from engineering field training Need Copyright permission

Selected OER in Romania - It is an educational NGO which offers a wide range of courses in economics, social sciences, ICT, leisure, training, etc. - Some courses offer training in various trades, other offers preparation for type testing language skills TOEFEL, Cambridge, GMAT etc., DALF. Other courses offer professional guidance Also hosts electronic journals and books in the field of education. There are also posted, information about the providers and training programs that they offer No specified

Selected OER in Romania Formal curriculum, focused on developing an e-learning system, theoretical resources and e- Learning solutions The main objectives are: Needs analysis, Design and instructional design Content development and of support materials. Specific training methods Specific competencies of actors in distance education Performance appraisal on elearning Management ofeLearning systems Evaluation of eLearning programs No specified

Selected OER in Romania Virtual Learning Environment - with versions in Romanian and English, which is used for online courses, online communities, e-collaboration, online workshops Intra TS – Intranet application for information management, communication and collaboration eTest TS – a product for on-line testing – dynamic building of online modules and questionnairs Design and development of computer skills and programming environments, the use of blogs Assure courses for companies, schools, universities and individuals in IT and others services. Need copyright permission

Selected OER in Romania –Formal and informal curriculum,teaching materials, lessonsplans, professional development, parents support Teaching materials created and sent to teachers in Mures County. These materials are classified in various fields of education hoping to help all teachers, which are open to innovative teaching strategies. Materials for parents in order to sustain a better education Need Copyright permission

Selected OER in Romania - Formal curriculum for the students from Economic Studies Provides support for students in preparing material for going through and promoting subjects of the curriculum Courses and books, collection of exercises, problems, case studies, thesis, etc. in digital forma No specified