GIS for Global Development Kaspar Kundert, Esri Rwanda Mike Ruth, Esri Professional Services Please introduce your role and the role of the new office in Dubai. Note that I coordinate the Esri Nonprofit Program and
Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) Pioneer, Innovator and Leader in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Making a Difference through the application of geographic knowledge and the… .. That makes us a commercial software company – right? Esri Nonprofit Organization Program
Global Company – Strong Local Support Introduce Esri, note our long standing tradition of making a difference in the world. Note that our NonProfit Program supports thousands of NonProfits around the world and that we work closely with the United Nations and International Development Organizations.
Esri in Africa
Welcome to Rwanda
Welcome to Kigali Tourist Map published on ArcGIS Online
Why GIS? ...because GIS is ICT4D No development without planning No planning without spatial / geographical aspects (where…?) GIS enables to visualize, analyze and manage the spatial aspects of any domain GIS is Vision 2020 spatial GIS brings it all together Networks (water, electricity, transport) Agriculture Geology, Soils and Minerals Urban Planning Land Titles and Parcels Satellite or aerial images/ orthophotos Prioritization Sime intro slide..
Spatial Data is National Infrastructure Elevation Imagery Water Governmental Units Boundaries Cadastral / Parcels Transportation Geodetic Control Vulnerable Populations Shelter Migration Water Quality Human Rights Critical Infrastructure Habitat Change Poverty Public Health Talk about the opportunities for NGOs to contribute to National GIS. The importance in investing in National GIS and sharing this information freely as a fundamental development investment. NGOs do contribute substantially to several of these “Thematic Layers”
Case Studies World Vision Ethiopia Gates Foundation Polio Quickly advance through the World Vision Ethiopia PPT. Comment that the World Vision Ethiopia program is very well established and has applied GIS to many diverse topical areas. ADP = Area Development Program. Note their may be World Vision Ethiopia staff in the room, encourage them to comment on the slides if they wish. Gates Foundation Polio Program (Nigeria)
Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) Producer of ArcGIS, the complete Geographic Information System for Desktop, Mobile, Server and Online Making a Difference through the application of geographic knowledge to real world problem solving collaborating closely with NGOs the UN, Schools and Universities .. That makes us a commercial software company – right? Esri Nonprofit Organization Program
Contact Esri Esri Nonprofit Organization Program Esri Licenses and Mr. David Gadsden Olympia WA, 98501, USA Phone: 360.754.4727 x8911 Email: Skype/Twitter: david_gadsden Esri Licenses and Local Support through your Esri Distributor Esri Rwanda Ltd Kaspar Kundert P.O. Box 6867, Kigali, Rwanda Phone: + 250 788 840 401 Email: Introduce Esri, note our long standing tradition of making a difference in the world. Note that our NonProfit Program supports thousands of NonProfits around the world and that we work closely with the United Nations and International Development Organizations.
Kaspar Kundert, Esri Rwanda Mike Ruth, Esri Professional Services Questions? Kaspar Kundert, Esri Rwanda Mike Ruth, Esri Professional Services Please introduce your role and the role of the new office in Dubai. Note that I coordinate the Esri Nonprofit Program and