By: Asaye Birhanu Senay Jimma University ETHIOPIA December 02, 2014 University of Antwerp
‘Information literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it, and how to evaluate, use, and communicate it in an ethical manner.’ Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.“(1)
In my university Information literacy is begin but it is not well organized and it is not integrated in the academic curriculum. ◦ Still it is given by the Information Science department and a little bit in the Library.
At this moment for our higher education which is more research-oriented, access to scientific information is one of the main challenges. Such access is not only very expensive (not to say unaffordable) but also difficult to organize. When the resources are available through programs like PERII (country-wide cheap licenses to a series of databases negotiated by INASP), DOAJ (Directory for Open Access Journals), Research4Life (HINARI, AGORA, OARE and ARDI) or EIFL (Electronic Information for Libraries) often the institutes don't know which resources they have available and how to subscribe to these, let alone how to make access easy and effective.
For the above reasons we system librarians have a commitment to the Library; making and providing best resources and showing of the way of how to find, retrieve, analyze, and use of information for our patrons. Because, our serious problem is absence of well organized e-resource and Information literacy program.
We are arranging different workshops and a training on e-resource usage by requesting the patrons and at the beginning of the academic year for Fresh man students. Some of the core ways of gaining skills are listed as follows.(2) Workshops which are arranged by Colleges and librarians cooperatively. Trainings which arranged by librarians. Library brochures leaflets and media.
The librarians are informed and trained through different programs including self learning. Some of the core ways of gaining of skill are listed as follows: Workshops Trainings Self learning
We give a training for Librarians and patrons (researchers and students) continuously in different programs. We are providing those trainings which was arranged by librarians and both Colleges and librarians cooperatively. For example: ◦ Manuscript review training, ◦ Data Analysis training, ◦ E-resource usage training, ◦ Electronic and Digital resource management training, ◦ Continuous Information Literacy Training, ◦ Reference management training and etc.
We organize tutorials manually and online for our Librarians and our users (Researchers, Academic staffs, Students). Additionally we have a tutorial from another Universities/Institutes and I embedded this resource to our library webpage(2) So the librarian and user can easily use these resources from our library website. Among them of the tutorials: ◦ Cooperative Library Instruction Project ◦ Texas Information Literacy Tutorial ◦ Tutorial from University of Wisconsin ◦ EBSCO tutorial (
Still now, in my university it is not integrated in the curriculum except Information Science department. ◦ Here the head of department is trying to start Information Literacy to be as academic curriculum but it not yet start.
We faced the problems/challenges during the time of training. I list out some of my experiences. There is no well skilled man power who assist us. Lack of Infrastructure (Computer laboratory, power/Internet interruption.
Lack of skill on electronic resource retrieval and usage skill. Absence of electronic machine(Laptop, Tablet,…)on circulation desk for loan.
We have to make available the electronic resource on a web site/page or other disseminating way. Besides making availability, and awareness creation. Making continuous Information literacy program in my university. Enhance the policy for library resource management and information literacy program Maintaining and continuously update the system.
Enhance internal and external communication, easier access to library materials and electronic databases that are essential for academic development at the university. Increase contribution for quality learning, teaching and research undertakings activities. Awareness creation for new system how to use electronic resource for Patrons. We try to provide Information literacy as one course (common course).
After a training, always we collect trainees idea and/or comment using Google.doc and SurveyMonkey online questioner. We send via or we are making display the link then they fill out the questioner after that I can summarize to make a report in order to know what they feel. You can see my attachment which I used for electronic resource usage training for Public Health and Medical Science College researchers and staffs questioner.Google.doc ◦ E-resource usage E-resource usage
1. Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education | Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) [Internet]. [cited 2014 Dec 9]. Available from: acycompetency#f1 acycompetency#f1 2. Information literacy tutorials | Jimma University Library [Internet]. [cited 2014 Dec 9]. Available from: