Paola Gianotti - LNF Antiproton GSI Overview of the GSI Future Project Scientific Areas and Goals The Antiproton Physics Program Charmonium spectroscopy Hybrids and glueballs Medium modification of hadrons Hypernuclei Further topics The PANDA Detector concept Conlcusions
Present GSI Facility Energies Linear acc.: UNILAC < 20 MeV/u Heavy-ion sync.: SIS 1-2 GeV/u Storage&Cooler: ESR < 0.8 GeV/u UNILAC SIS FRS ESR 3 injectors HSI:8mA Ar 1+ 18mA Ar mA U mA U mA U 73+ Upgrade towards the Future Facility Freqency (power): 0.3 Hz 3 Hz Space charge reduction (vacuum): U 73+ U 28+
UNILAC SIS FRS ESR SIS 100/200 HESR Super FRS NESR CR p Target GSI Future Facility Primary Beams 238 U GeV/u; /s ions/pulse 30 GeV protons; 2.5x10 13 /s 238 U 73+ up to 25 (- 35) GeV/u; /s Secondary Beams Broad range of radioactive beams up to GeV/u Antiprotons 3 (0) - 30 GeV Storage and Cooler Rings Radioactive beams e – A collider stored and cooled p GeV Cooled beams Rapidly cycling superconducting magnets Key Technical Features From protons to uranium - In future also atiprotons From 1MeV/u to 2 GeV/u - In future up to 30 GeV/u 10 9 to particles/cycle - In future particles/cycle 0.1Hz to 1Hz repetition rate - In future up to 3 Hz From protons to uranium - In future also atiprotons From 1MeV/u to 2 GeV/u - In future up to 30 GeV/u 10 9 to particles/cycle - In future particles/cycle 0.1Hz to 1Hz repetition rate - In future up to 3 Hz
Research Activities at the GSI Future Facility Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei: Radioactive Beams Nucleonic matter Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental symmetries
Research Activities at the GSI Future Facility Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei: Radioactive Beams Nucleonic matter Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental symmetries Nuclear Matter and Quark Gluon Plasma: Relativistic HI Beams Nuclear phase diagram Compressed nuclear/strange matter Deconfinement and chiral symmetry
Research Activities at the GSI Future Facility Nuclear Matter and Quark Gluon Plasma: Relativistic HI Beams Nuclear phase diagram Compressed nuclear/strange matter Deconfinement and chiral symmetry Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei: Radioactive Beams Nucleonic matter Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental symmetries Hadron Structure and Quark Gluon Dynamics: Antiprotons Non-pertubative QCD Quark-gluon degrees of freedom Confinement and chiral symmetry Hypernuclear physics
Research Activities at the GSI Future Facility Nuclear Matter and Quark Gluon Plasma: Relativistic HI Beams Nuclear phase diagram Compressed nuclear/strange matter Deconfinement and chiral symmetry Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei: Radioactive Beams Nucleonic matter Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental symmetries Hadron Structure and Quark Gluon Dynamics: Antiprotons Non-pertubative QCD Quark-gluon degrees of freedom Confinement and chiral symmetry Hypernuclear physics Physics of Dense Plasmas and Bulk Matter: Bunch Compression Properties of high density plasmas Phase transitions and equation of state Laser - ion interaction with and in plasmas
SIS 18 Ion Beam Heating Jupiter Sun Surface Magnetic Fusion solid state density Temperature [eV] Density [cm -3 ] Laser Heating PHELIX Ideal plasmas Strongly coupled plasmas Sun Core Inertial Cofinement Fusion Research Activities at the GSI Future Facility Nuclear Matter and Quark Gluon Plasma: Relativistic HI Beams Nuclear phase diagram Compressed nuclear/strange matter Deconfinement and chiral symmetry Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei: Radioactive Beams Nucleonic matter Nuclear astrophysics Fundamental symmetries Hadron Structure and Quark Gluon Dynamics: Antiprotons Non-pertubative QCD Quark-gluon degrees of freedom Confinement and chiral symmetry Hypernuclear physics Physics of Dense Plasmas and Bulk Matter: Bunch Compression Properties of high density plasmas Phase transitions and equation of state Laser - ion interaction with and in plasmas Ultra High EM Fields and Applications: Ions & Petawatt Laser QED and critical fields Ion - laser interaction Ion - matter interaction
Antiproton Physics Program Charmonium (cc ) spectroscopy: precision measurements of mass, width, decay branches of all charmonium states, especially for extracting information on qq models of mesons.
Antiproton Physics Program Charmonium (cc ) spectroscopy: precision measurements of mass, width, decay branches of all charmonium states, especially for extracting information on qq models of mesons. Search for gluonic excitations (charmed hybrids, glueballs) in the charmonium mass range (3 – 5 GeV/c 2 ).
Antiproton Physics Program Charmonium (cc ) spectroscopy: precision measurements of mass, width, decay branches of all charmonium states, especially for extracting information on qq models of mesons. Search for gluonic excitations (charmed hybrids, glueballs) in the charmonium mass range (3 – 5 GeV/c 2 ). Search for modifications of meson properties in the nuclear medium, and their possible relationship to the partial restoration of chiral symmetry for light quarks. pionic atoms KAOS/FOPI HESR K D vacuumnuclear medium π+π+ π-π- K-K- K+K+ D+D+ D-D- 25 MeV 100 MeV 50 MeV
Charmonium (cc ) spectroscopy: precision measurements of mass, width, decay branches of all charmonium states, especially for extracting information on qq models of mesons. Search for gluonic excitations (charmed hybrids, glueballs) in the charmonium mass range (3 – 5 GeV/c 2 ). Search for modifications of meson properties in the nuclear medium, and their possible relationship to the partial restoration of chiral symmetry for light quarks. DD 50 MeV D D+D+vacuum nuclear medium K 25 MeV 100 MeV K+K+ KK Precision -ray spectroscopy of single and double hypernuclei for Extracting information on their structure and on the hyperon-nucleon and hyperon-hyperon interaction. Antiproton Physics Program -- 3 GeV/c KK Trigger _ secondary target p - (dss) p(uud) → (uds) (uds)
HESR - High Energy Storage Ring High luminosity modeHigh resolution mode p/p ~ (electron cooling) Lumin. = cm -2 s -1 Lumin. = 2 x cm -2 s -1 p/p ~ (stochastic cooling) Production rate 2x10 7 /sec P beam = GeV/c N stored = 5x10 10 p Internal Target
Charmonium spectroscopy Charmonium spectrum is becoming more clear… 5 new measurements of c mass
Charmonium spectroscopy Even on the ground state on the simplest parameters there are consistency problems… Five new measurements published , four by e + e - experiments
Charmonium spectroscopy Charmonium spectrum is becaming more clear… ’ c unambiguously seen 5 new measurements of c mass
Charmonium spectroscopy CBALL 86 (2S) → X ’c’c ±4.4 MeV BELLE 02 B → K (K S K + ) BELLE 03 e + e - → J/ X CLEO 03 → K S K + BABAR 03 → K S K + Mass (MeV) New measurements of mass are consistent! tot = (19 ± 10) MeV
Charmonium spectroscopy Charmonium spectrum is becaming more clear… Open problems… 5 new measurements of c mass ’ c unambiguously seen h 1c not confirmed States above DD thr. are not well established
Charmonium spectroscopy Mass Decay channels studied Total BR seen (%) Decay Channels With error <30% cc ± ’c’c ±4.4 1 J/ ± ’’ ± c ± c ± c ± hchc 2?0 ±2.5 2~ 01 4040±10 6~ 01 4159±20 1~ 00 4415±6 2~ 00
MeV3510 CBall ev./2 MeV 100 E CM CBall E E 835 ev./pb c1 Charmonium Physics e + e - → ’ → 1,2 → e + e - → J e + e - interactions: - Only 1 -- states are formed - Other states only by secondary decays (moderate mass resolution) - All states directly formed (very good mass resolution) → J → e+e→ e+e p p → 1,2 pp reactions: Br(e + e - → ) ·Br( → c ) = Br(pp → c ) =
Exotic hadrons In the light meson spectrum exotic states overlap with conventional states The QCD spectrum is much rich than that of the naive quark model also the gluons can act as hadron components The “exotic hadrons” fall in 3 general categories: (qq) g Hybrids Glueballs (qq)(qq) Multiquarks E x o t i c l i g h t q q E x o t i c c c MeV/c
Exotic hadrons In the light meson spectrum exotic states overlap with conventional states In the cc meson spectrum the density of states is lower and therefore the overlap The QCD spectrum is much rich than that of the naive quark model also the gluons can act as hadron components The “exotic hadrons” fall in 3 general categories: (qq) g Hybrids (qq)(qq) Multiquarks Glueballs
“ In the light meson region, about 10 states have been classified as “Exotics”. Almost all of them have been seen in pp… OBELIX A.Bertin et al.,Physics Letters B385, (1996), 493. A.Bertin et al.,Physics Letters B400, (1997), 226. A.Bertin et al.,Physics Letters B361, (1995), 187. F.Nichitiu et al.,Physics Letters B545, (2002), 261. Crystal Barrel Exotic hadrons
Production all J PC available Formation only selected J PC Exotic states are produced with rates similar to qq conventional systems All ordinary quantum numbers can be reached ~1 b All ordinary quantum numbers can be reached ~1 b p p _ G M p M H p _ p M H p _ Even exotic quantum numbers can be reached ~100 pb Even exotic quantum numbers can be reached ~100 pb p p _ G p p _ H p p _ H Glueballs and Hybrids
Gluonic excitations of the quark-antiquark-potential may lead to bound states LQCD: –m H ~ GeV ; J PC 1 -+ Charmed Hybrids Fluxtube-Model predicts H DD** (+c.c.) decays If m H <4290 MeV/c 2 → H < 50 MeV/c 2 Some exotics can decay neither to DD nor to DD* (+c.c.) –e.g.: J PC (H)=0 +- fluxtube allowed c0 , c0 , c2 , c2 , c, h 1, h 1c fluxtube forbidden J/f 2,J/() S –Small number of final states with small phase space r 0 =0.5fm BaBar and Belle would expect ~300 evts. each in 5 years not competitive
Light gg/ggg-systems are complicated to be identified Oddballs:exotic heavy glueballs –m(0 +- ) = 4740(50)(200) MeV –m(2 +- ) = 4340(70)(230) MeV Width unknown, but! –nature invests more likely in mass than in momentum good prob. to see in charm channels –Same run period as hybrids Morningstar und Peardon, PRD60 (1999) Morningstar und Peardon, PRD56 (1997) 4043 Glueballs
Multi-quarks states Recently, different experiments have reported evidences of an exotic baryon with K + n quantum numbers: + (1540); ~ 18 MeV The + (1540) state cannot be a 3-quarks state. Its minimal quark content is (uudds) n → K (K + n) T.Nakano et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, (2003). K Xe → (K p)Xe’ V.V. Barmin et al.,hep-ex/ d → (K p)(K + n) S. Stepanyan et al.,hep-ex/ Theorists [ R.Jaffe & F.Wilezek (hep-ph/ ), M.Karliner & Lipkin (hep-ph/ ) ] predict charm and bottom analogues of the + (1540): c + with mass 2985 ± 50 MeV p could be a good tool to search for multiquark states
Hadrons in nuclear matter One of the fundamental questions of QCD is the generation of MASS The light hadron masses are larger than the sum of the constituent quark masses! Spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking seems to play a decisive role in the mass generation of light hadrons. How can we check this?
Hadrons in nuclear matter Since density increase in nuclear matter is possible a partial restoration of chiral symmetry Light quarks are sensitive to quark condensate Evidence for mass changes of pions and kaons has been observed Deeply bound pionic atoms Nucleus-Nucleus CollisionsProton-Proton Collisions K-K- K+K+ K-K- K+K+ f* = 0.78f Kaon-production environments
pionic atoms KAOS/FOPI HESR π K D vacuumnuclear medium ρ = ρ 0 π+π+ π-π- K-K- K+K+ D+D+ D-D- 25 MeV 100 MeV 50 MeV Mass modifications of mesons With p beam up to 15GeV/c these studies will be extensed Subthreshold enhancement for D and D meson production expected signal: strong enhancement of the D-meson cross section, relative D + D - yields, in the near/sub-threshold region. Hadrons in nuclear matter pp → D + D (nb) 4567 D+D+ D-D- T (GeV) in-medium free masses
Hadrons in nuclear matter The lowering of the DD thresh. –allow ’, c2 charmonium states to decay into this channel 3 GeV/c 2 Mass (1 3 D 1 ) (1 3 S 1 ) c (1 1 S 0 ) (3 3 S 1 ) c1 (1 3 P 1 ) c1 (1 3 P 0 ) 3,74 3,64 3,54 vacuum 1010 2020 thus resulting in a substantial increase of width of these states c2 (1 3 P 2 ) (2 3 S 1 ) – states above DD thresh. would have larger width Idea –Study relative changes of yield and width of the charmonium state (3770). BR into l + l - (10 -5 in free space) Predictions by Ye.S. Golubeva et al., Eur.Phys.J. A 17,(2003)275
J/ Absorption in Nuclei ee e+e+ J/ p Important for the understanding of heavy ion collisions –Related to QGP Reaction – p + A J/ + (A-1) → e + e - A complete set of measurements could be done –J/,‘, J on different nuclear target –Longitudinal and transverse Fermi- distribution is measurable
s u d s d d s d s s s s 00 Use pp Interaction to produce a hyperon “beam” (t~ s) which is tagged by the antihyperon or its decay products Hypernuclear Physics _ (Kaidalov & Volkovitsky) quark-gluon string model
- capture: - p + 28 MeV -- 3 GeV/c Kaon s _ trigger p _ 2. Slowing down and capture of in secondary target nucleus 2. Slowing down and capture of in secondary target nucleus 1. Hyperon- antihyperon production at threshold 1. Hyperon- antihyperon production at threshold +28MeV 3. -spectroscopy with Ge-detectors 3. -spectroscopy with Ge-detectors Production of Double Hypernuclei - (dss) p(uud) (uds) (uds)
Expected Counting Rate Ingredients (golden events) ─ luminosity 2·10 32 cm -2 s -1 ─ + - cross section 2mb for pp 700 Hz ─ p ( MeV/c) p 500 – + reconstruction probability 0.5 – stopping and capture probability p CAP 0.20 – total captured / day – - to -nucleus conversion probability p 0.05 – total hypernucleus production 4500 /month – gamma emission/event, p 0.5 – -ray peak efficiency p GE 0.1 ~7/day „golden“ -ray events ( + trigger) ~700/day with KK trigger high resolution -spectroscopy of double hypernuclei will be feasible
Other physics topics Cross section σ ≈ s ≈10 GeV 2 L = 2·10 32 cm-2 s-1 → 10 3 events per month Reversed Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering CP-violation (D/ – sector) - D 0 D 0 mixing SM prediction < compare angular decay asymmetries for SM prediction ~ 2 · Rare D-decays: D + → + (BR ) W+W+ c d
QCD systems to be studied at HESR/
Final stateCross section# rec. events Meson resonance + anything 100b10 50b10 2b2b 10 8 DD250nb10 7 J/( → e + e -, + - ) 630nb10 9 ( → J/) 3.7nb10 7 cccc 20nb10 7 cccc 0.1nb10 5 HESR/ expected counting rates One year of data taking ≈ 1-2(fb) -1
Competition BES, BNL, CLEO-C, Dane, Hall-D, JHF TopicCompetitor Confinement Charmonium all cc states with high resolution CLEO-C only 1 –– states formed Gluonic Excitations charmed hybrids heavy glueballs CLEO-C light glueballs Hall-D light hybrids Nuclear Interactions D-mass shift J/ absorption (T~0) Dane K-mass shift Hypernuclei -spectroscopy of - and -hypernuclei BNL indirect evidence only JHF single HN Open Charm Physics Rare D-Decays CP-physics in Hadrons CLEO-C rare D-Decays CP-physics in D-Mesons
Detector requests: nearly 4 solid angle(partial wave analysis) high rate capability(210 7 annihilations/s) good PID( , e, , , K, p) momentum resolution(~1%) vertex info for D, K 0 S, (c = 317 m for D ) efficient trigger(e, , K, D, ) modular design(Hypernuclei experiments) Detector General Purpose Detector
PANDA Detector target spectrometer forward spectrometer micro vertex detector electromagnetic calorimeter DIRC: Detecting Internally Reflected Cherenkov light straw tube tracker mini drift chambers muon counter Solenoidal magnet iron yoke The costs for the detector are estimated to be 28 M€, including 13 M€ for the most costly component, the electromagnetic calorimeter.
PANDA Detector
Target A fiber/wire target will be needed for D physics, An internal cluster-jet/pellet target is under study: atoms/cm 2 for D=20-40 m Pellet target layout Cluster-jet target layout
Conversion Prob: ~3%, primary e + e - ~3.6% Micro Vertex Detector beam pipe pellet/cluster pipe
Hypernuclear Physics: Vertex Detector Development of a Super Segmented Clover Detector for the VEGA array High photopeak efficiency ( ph > 0.3) Good angular resolution to increase Doppler correction capability (up to v/c ~ 0.5) High rate capability Fast background rejection Operation into high magnetic fields
Central Tracking Detectors Light materials, self supporting structure! Light materials, self supporting structure! Example event pp → → 4K 9000 straw tubes 15 double layers 2-14 layers are with angle between 4-9 o tube length –1.5 m tube diameters – 4, 6, 8 mm 9000 straw tubes 15 double layers 2-14 layers are with angle between 4-9 o tube length –1.5 m tube diameters – 4, 6, 8 mm
PID with DIRC GEANT4 simulation
Electromagnetic Calorimeter Length = 17 X 0 APD readout (in field) pp J/ e/ - Separation PbWO 4 - CsI(Tl) - BGO
Muon Detector
Forward Spectrometer
6 layers of sense wires in 3 double layers (y,u,v) not stretched radially (mass) realized at HADES –high counting rates –position resolution 70 m Tracking: Forward MDC
Radiator n=1.02 Multi pad gas detector Mismatch photons CsI photon conversion LHCb proximity focusing mirrors PID: Forward RICH
PANDA Collaboration At present a group of 150 physicists from 40 institutions of 9 Countries. Bochum, Bonn, Brescia, Catania, Cracow, Dresden, Dubna I + II, Edinburg, Erlangen, Ferrara, Frascati, Franhfurt, Genova, Giessen, Glasgow, KVI Groningen, GSI, FZ Jülich I + II, Los Alamos, Mainz, Milano, TU München, Münster, Northwestern, BINP Novosibirsk, Pavia, Silesia, Stockolm, Torino I + II, Torino Politecnico,Trieste, TSL Uppsala, Tübingen, Uppsala, SINS Warsaw, AAS Wien Spokesperson: Ulrich Wiedner - Uppsala Austria - Germany – Italy – Netherlands – Poland – Russia – Sweden – U.K. – U.S.
Conclusions high resolution spectroscopy with p-beam in formation experiments: E E beam high yields of gluonic excitations: glueballs, hybrids, multi-quark states ≈ 100 pb partial chiral symmetry restoration by implanting mesons inside the nuclear medium hyperon-antihyperon taggable beams Thanks to the new GSI HESR facility p will be used to produce...
Tracking Resolution J/ + - +- +- (J/ ) = 35 MeV/c 2 ( ) = 3.8 MeV/c 2 Example reaction: pp J/ + (s = 4.4 GeV/c 2 ) Single track resolution Invariant mass resolution
Stage Plan for the Facility Construction HESR & 4 MV e - -Cooling Civil Construction 4 Built by the Julich machine division Total Costs: 675 Million Euro