Literature Review
Agenda What is a Literature Review?What is a Literature Review? Literature Review Components.Literature Review Components. Key Databases.Key Databases. Internet as a Source of Info.Internet as a Source of Info.
What is a Literature Review? Comprehensive collection of information based on a construct.Comprehensive collection of information based on a construct. Means of justifying a research question.Means of justifying a research question.
What’s The Point? The current knowledge base.The current knowledge base. Support for the question.Support for the question. Questions still unanswered.Questions still unanswered. Opportunity for ideas.Opportunity for ideas. Never complete – only a snapshot.Never complete – only a snapshot.
How Do I Start? SPECIFY a topic of interest.SPECIFY a topic of interest. Easier to induct than deduct.Easier to induct than deduct. Ensures quality if using narrow focus.Ensures quality if using narrow focus.
Sources of Ideas Common Sense – does the early bird truly get the worm?Common Sense – does the early bird truly get the worm? Observations – the role of “serendipity” – Pavlov’s dogs.Observations – the role of “serendipity” – Pavlov’s dogs. Theories – Descriptions of “facts” that organize and explain phenomena.Theories – Descriptions of “facts” that organize and explain phenomena. Also generates new knowledge - additional hypotheses.Also generates new knowledge - additional hypotheses.
Sources of Ideas PAST RESEARCH – theory/hypothesis generation based on past results.PAST RESEARCH – theory/hypothesis generation based on past results.
Vocabulary Develop a listing of all words that could represent your construct:Develop a listing of all words that could represent your construct: “Cats” – cat, feline, kitten, Siamese, pets, animals“Cats” – cat, feline, kitten, Siamese, pets, animals Also be sure to consider plural words and alternate spellings.Also be sure to consider plural words and alternate spellings. Orthopedic, orthopedics, orthopaedicsOrthopedic, orthopedics, orthopaedics
Where Do I Look? Learn your databases – Pub Med, Current Contents Connect, Psych Info, etc.Learn your databases – Pub Med, Current Contents Connect, Psych Info, etc. Learn your journals – Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, Journal of Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Rehabilitation Education, RehabPro, Rehabilitation Psychology, Journal of Counseling and Development, etc.Learn your journals – Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, Journal of Rehabilitation, Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, Rehabilitation Education, RehabPro, Rehabilitation Psychology, Journal of Counseling and Development, etc.
Where To Look Meet your librarians.Meet your librarians. Attend the FREE library classes offered throughout the semester.Attend the FREE library classes offered throughout the semester. Ask the professors and Ph.D. students.Ask the professors and Ph.D. students.
Using The Databases All databases are different in some shape or form – most upgrade regularly.All databases are different in some shape or form – most upgrade regularly. When first using, access the HELP or GUIDE option.When first using, access the HELP or GUIDE option.
What Details? Booleans – using the AND, OR, and NOT functions.Booleans – using the AND, OR, and NOT functions. Truncation – using a portion of a word to locate all similar words.Truncation – using a portion of a word to locate all similar words. Ex. – rehab*Ex. – rehab* Be careful though….Be careful though…. Ex. – ortho* could pick up orthopedics, orthodontics, orthodoxEx. – ortho* could pick up orthopedics, orthodontics, orthodox
More Details Nesting – the combination of Booleans and truncationNesting – the combination of Booleans and truncation Example – (foot OR feet) AND diabet*Example – (foot OR feet) AND diabet* Phrase Searching – using quotations to find specific phrases – “functional impact of disability”Phrase Searching – using quotations to find specific phrases – “functional impact of disability”
How Much Info Is Good Enough? Depending on your topic’s specificity, the info you need to cover may vary.Depending on your topic’s specificity, the info you need to cover may vary. Attempt to find the most recent literature available.Attempt to find the most recent literature available. Again, a lit review is never complete.Again, a lit review is never complete.
The Databases Focus on Pub Med and Current Contents Connect (CCC).Focus on Pub Med and Current Contents Connect (CCC). The number of databases that will provide info specifically for your topic of interest will vary on subject matter.The number of databases that will provide info specifically for your topic of interest will vary on subject matter.
E-Journals Full-text articles via the library web site.Full-text articles via the library web site. HTML and PDF format – it is advisable to select PDF format if given the option.HTML and PDF format – it is advisable to select PDF format if given the option. Not every journal is available in full-text, which means we still have to go to the library sometimes.Not every journal is available in full-text, which means we still have to go to the library sometimes.
Pub Med Pub Med (formerly MedLine) – difficult but comprehensive.Pub Med (formerly MedLine) – difficult but comprehensive. Lots of bells and whistles.Lots of bells and whistles.
CCC Current Contents Connect – most up-to- date.Current Contents Connect – most up-to- date. Also connected to Web of Science and the Journal Citation Report.Also connected to Web of Science and the Journal Citation Report.
Reference Manager Not a database, but can be used while searching Pub Med.Not a database, but can be used while searching Pub Med. Creation of reference pages by entering each source in APA format for you.Creation of reference pages by entering each source in APA format for you. Unfortunately, the software is costly and it’s best to find someone who has it already.Unfortunately, the software is costly and it’s best to find someone who has it already.
Accessing The Internet Research Implications
Web Searching Using the Internet to educate/research.Using the Internet to educate/research. Five major issues need to be addressed when using web sources for research.Five major issues need to be addressed when using web sources for research.
Accuracy How valid is the information – was it done by a professional in the field or by someone with Netscape Composer?How valid is the information – was it done by a professional in the field or by someone with Netscape Composer?
Authority What are the author’s qualification for providing the information?What are the author’s qualification for providing the information?
Objectivity Was there bias and/or persuasion in the information?Was there bias and/or persuasion in the information?
Currency Is the information still accurate or up-to- date as it may (or may not say) it is?Is the information still accurate or up-to- date as it may (or may not say) it is?
Coverage Great info or does it scratch the surface of the topic – is this good stuff or filler?Great info or does it scratch the surface of the topic – is this good stuff or filler?
Web Site Reliability Resources When in doubt, use the following sites to offer assistance in determining reliability:When in doubt, use the following sites to offer assistance in determining reliability: riallibrary/webevaluation/inform.htm riallibrary/webevaluation/inform.htm riallibrary/webevaluation/inform.htm riallibrary/webevaluation/inform.htm rnet/eval.html rnet/eval.html rnet/eval.html rnet/eval.html
Sounds Too Risky… Validity and reliability threats – seek PEER-REVIEWED journal articles.Validity and reliability threats – seek PEER-REVIEWED journal articles. Critiqued for weaknesses prior to publishing – in theory provides best info.Critiqued for weaknesses prior to publishing – in theory provides best info. Consider journal rating.Consider journal rating.