27 August, 2014 The path to the CHRP
Agenda — The path to the CHRP About HRMA About the CHRP Why obtain a CHRP? The CHRP Path CHRP Fees and Dues Questions
About HRMA Largest HR association in Western Canada. Member of the Canadian Council of Human Resources Associations (CCHRA). Exclusive grantor of the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) in BC and Yukon. Governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected by the membership Responsible for upholding standards of the HR profession. Dedicated to advancing professional people practices. Deliver member programs and services with the support of regional advisory councils. Provide professional development and networking opportunities including workshops, symposia, mentoring, roundtables, events, and our annual conference & tradeshow. The largest source for HR data in Canada, HR Metrics Service, and the voice for key trends and HR best practices.
Our Promise, Vision, Mission and Mandate PROMISE The Voice of the HR Profession VISION Recognized as ‘the Place’ for leading people practices MISSION Keep people first in the decisions of leaders MANDATE Promote and enhance the profession and advance member value
About the CHRP Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation is a nationally recognized level of achievement within the field of human resources. Reflects a conviction that the professional practice of human resources management can safeguard the interests of employers, employees and the business community. Represents continuing recognition of the bearer's professionalism and ongoing professional development.
Did you know? Source: Payscale Inc. 2012
The value of a CHRP HR managers with their CHRP showed a 16% salary increase over those without their designation. The median annual pay for all HR job titles (Vancouver). o without CHRP, $50,100 o with CHRP, $64,900 o a 30% difference! 23% of HR managers with their CHRP became HR directors in 5 years; only 13% of those without their CHRP achieved the same. Source: Payscale Inc. 2012
Why obtain a CHRP? PROVEN EXPERTISE Demonstrates that you are an HR expert with verified knowledge in all aspects of HR. CONTINUAL LEARNING Highlights that your skills and knowledge are current. KNOWLEDGE COMMUNITY Become a part of an exclusive, nationwide community of HR experts. ETHICAL BEHAVIOUR Commit to a high standard of ethical behaviour and hold to CCHRA National Code of Ethics.
The six steps to your CHRP 1. MEMBERSHIP You must be a member in good standing with your provincial HR association. 2. National Knowledge Exam® The National Knowledge Exam® (NKE) assesses your understanding of competencies required within the nine functional knowledge areas. 3. DEGREE REQUIREMENT You must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university effective January 2012.
The six steps to your CHRP 4. EXPERIENCE Submit a completed experience assessment which is validated by your current employer. This assessment must prove: o A minimum of three years working in an HR role within the last ten years. o Experience gained at the professional level and a level of autonomy in the application of your HR knowledge. It is not necessary to be a manager or supervisor. o Demonstrated proficiency in the nine functional areas of knowledge as outlined in the CHRP Competency Framework. 5. CONGRATULATIONS! You are a CHRP. To maintain a current designation, you will need to retain your membership with your provincial association and recertify your CHRP every three years.
The six steps to your CHRP 6. ON-GOING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Continuing professional development represents an ongoing commitment to your career in human resources The process is designed to help you keep abreast of changes in the field and become a more effective HR professional. A minimum of three years working in an HR role within the last ten years. To maintain your certified human resources professional (CHRP) designation, you must follow the requirements: o Association Membership: Annual Renewal o Continuing Professional Development
The future of your CHRP Association Membership: Annual Renewal CHRPs must renew membership in their provincial HR association each year. Must continue to fulfill any additional provincial requirements that may apply. CCHRA will be notified by your association that you have fulfilled obligations to maintain your CHRP so your name remains on the national CHRP registry. Continuing Professional Development Three years until the designation expires. You must acquire a minimum of 100 credits as per the criteria which are outlined in the Log. Must submit you Log to your provincial HR Association.
Continual professional development log Categories for Log Significant Work Projects/Initiative Leadership Instruction Continuing Education Research or Publication
The seven functional dimensions Professional Practice in Human Resources Organizational Effectiveness Staffing Employee & Labour Relations Total Compensation Organizational Learning, Training & Development Occupational Health, Safety & Wellness
CHRP fees and dues CHRP Application Fee$60 NKE Registration Fee$275 NKE Prep Course (optional)$285-$350 Experience Assessment Review Fee$100 Experience Assessment Certification Fee$400 Annual CHRP Dues$105 CHRP Recertification Fee$55
Questions? Thank you for your participation. hrma.ca | chrp.ca