With a graduated cylinder MEASURING volume With a graduated cylinder All images courtesy of Google Images and are under Creative Commons Licensing
The amount of 3 dimensional space occupied by an object. What is volume? The amount of 3 dimensional space occupied by an object. All images courtesy of Google Images and are under Creative Commons Licensing
Measuring volume In this lesson, we will be measuring the volume of a liquid using a graduated cylinder. To read the volume of a liquid you must read the measurement based on the bottom of the meniscus. Show students an empty graduated cylinder. All images courtesy of Google Images and are under Creative Commons Licensing
What causes the meniscus? A meniscus can occur with a liquid in any container. You’ll notice the meniscus on the curved surface of a column of liquid. It is a concave meniscus if the molecules of the liquid are attracted to the container walls and convex if they are not. Concave meniscus Demonstrate placing the graduated cylinder on a level surface and getting down at eye level to “pretend” reading a volume. you must read the graduated cylinder at eye-level to record the most accurate measurement. All images courtesy of Google Images and are under Creative Commons Licensing
Metric units & Measuring volume The graduated cylinders we will use today will measure in milliliters (mL), which are metric units. How many milliliters of liquid are in this cylinder? _______ 20 mL Ask students the question on the slide and then allow for students to answer. Once students have answered click to show the answer. 1 liter (L) = 1000 milliliters (mL) All images courtesy of Google Images and are under Creative Commons Licensing
Measuring volume To measure a liquid, you first carefully pour it into the graduated cylinder. Tipping the cylinder gently to one side will help the liquid not splash out and prevent bubbles from forming. Then, at eye-level, read the liquid volume at the bottom of the meniscus. Demonstrate doing this for students using the teacher demonstration irregular shaped jar. Demonstrate each step of taking the measurement. Always make sure that your graduated cylinder is sitting on a level surface to ensure an accurate measurement. All images courtesy of Google Images and are under Creative Commons Licensing
Let’s Practice! 43 mL _________ Look at the graduated cylinder below, what is the volume of the liquid inside? _________ 43 mL Have students practice reading the volume and allow them to share their answers. Click to view the answer. All images courtesy of Google Images and are under Creative Commons Licensing
Measuring volume Jar #1 Jar #2 Jar #3 Jar #4 Volume Measurement Now we will practice measuring various volumes of liquids. Draw the following chart in your science journal. Measure the volume of the liquid in each jar using your graduated cylinder. Be sure to account for the meniscus! Jar #1 Jar #2 Jar #3 Jar #4 Volume Measurement ____ mL ____ mL Now organize the jars from the least amount of volume to the most by listing them in order in your science journal. All images courtesy of Google Images and are under Creative Commons Licensing
Let’s review… 1. What is volume? The amount of 3 dimensional space occupied by an object. 2. What metric unit did we measure with? milliliters. 3. How do you read a graduated cylinder? At eye-level and read the bottom of the meniscus. 4. What should you do with the graduated cylinder before measuring the volume of a liquid? Read each question and allow students to share answers before clicking to the answer, click again to show the next question. Make sure it’s sitting on a level surface.