Paul Cezanne
Cezanne liked to paint still lifes.
A still life is a painting of fruit, flowers, food or objects that are NON LIVING. Cezanne painted close to 200 of these.
Cezanne concentrated on an object’s basic shape and its color.
“I want to astonish Paris with an apple!”
These apples look real because they have “depth.”
PERSEPECTIVE is a technique that gives an object on a flat surface DEPTH.
DEPTH—A cube has depth. A square does not have depth—it looks flat. A cube has depth--- it doesn’t look flat.
Circle and sphere—one is flat and one has dimension or depth. A circle is flat…. A sphere is like a 3-D circle!
A triangle is another flat shape. What is the 3-D shape of a triangle?
It’s a CONE!!!!!
Apples and oranges are spheres. They have depth. They are not flat.
This is a painting of apples and oranges by Paul Cezanne. What shape are apples and oranges?
Paul Cezanne also knew that there were different colors in apples and oranges too. Look at all the different colors in these apples. What colors do you see?
Can we make an apple look real? Remember two very important things: 3-D (depth) And Color—shading Remember an apple is NOT flat—it is not a circle it is a sphere.
Our Project
Step 1 Cut out your bowl, apples and pears
Step 2 Fill in apples with orange, then red, then yellow curved lines. Add stem, and shade underneath it using curved lines.
Step 3 Shade the pear with light yellow and dark yellow curved lines. Add stem, and shade around it using curved lines. Add dots for texture.
Step 4 Draw a curved line to make your bowl. Color the inside, darker at the bottom. Then decorate the front.
Step 5 Assemble your project Glue the bowl on the table. Arrange your fruit and glue them down.