Lesson overview Suggested activities Timings Starter Build your own word search. 15 min Main Research topic by making questions with answers 30 min Plenary Play snakes and ladders learning game 15 min Homework Make a revision spider diagram on topic / take a word search home
Resources Equipment listRisk Assessment Snakes and ladders board x 12 Dice and counters You’re the examiner worksheet class set Class set of playing cards Blank wordsearch Risk:Controlled by: N/A CLEAPSS Hazcards/safety sheets N/A
Get into a group!
Learning Objective To Review key areas of our current topic in preparation for our test
Keywords Make a word search using key words from our current topic. For every word you must describe the meaning of the word
In pairs it is your task to write an exam You are the Examiner Look through your work and make up questions with answers Don’t let anyone see your work! You will be testing them
Snakes and Ladders Time 1.If you land on a ladder your opposing team will ask a question. If you get it right the go up the ladder, wrong and stay put. 2.If you land on a snake you opposing team will ask a question. If you get it right then stay put, wrong and slide down the snake.
Learning Objective To Review key areas of our current topic in preparation for our test
Homework Make a revision Spider diagram. Revision notes. Revision poster. Take someone's word search home and see if you can find the words