Megan Guerrero EDU 3460 Kindergarten
Learn about 4 different Community Helpers. Watch videos to learn about a certain helper in the community. Look at real life pictures of the equipment they need in order to do their job. Make a word search using 4 simple words. Be creative to decorate a badge. Take 4 mini quizzes on the information presented in the slides. Sing a song about Community Helpers.
Fire Fighter Doctor Teacher Police Officer
A fire fighter must help to extinguish hazardous fires that may threaten people and their property. A fire fighter’s uniform is a hat, coat, boots, gloves and an oxygen tank. A fire fighter drives a big red fire truck to where they need to go.
Click on the picture of Sparky the firehouse dog to learn more about fire safety. Click here to re-try Question 1
After watching the Sparky Video, what do you smell in a fire? A.) Fire AlarmA.) Fire Alarm B.) SmokeB.) Smoke C.) Fire Escape PlanC.) Fire Escape Plan D.) Touching the door to see if its hotD.) Touching the door to see if its hot
You got the answer right, continue to the next slide!
Click HERE to find the answer to Question 1.HERE HINT: Click on Sparky the firehouse dog to view the video again
A Doctor is someone who promotes, maintains and restores human health. People have to go the Doctor’s when they are sick so they can get medicine to feel better. A doctor uses a stethoscope to hear a patient’s heart beat. Click here to re-try Question 2
Click on the Doctor below to view a video clip of Topsy and Tim going to the Doctors.
What does a Doctor do? A.) Promotes, maintains and restores human health.A.) Promotes, maintains and restores human health. B.) Patrol the neighborhood to keep it safe.B.) Patrol the neighborhood to keep it safe. C.) Extinguish hazardous fires.C.) Extinguish hazardous fires. D.) Teach children.D.) Teach children.
You got the answer right, continue to the next slide!
Click HERE to find the answer to Question 2.HERE HINT: Read the first bullet point on the slide; What does a Doctor do?
A teacher is someone who provides education to students. A teacher teaches at a school. Teachers can teach multiple subjects or teach one certain content area. Teachers only work 10 months out of the year. Click here to re-try Question 3
Please use the following words in your word search… Police, Teach, Doctor and Fire Click on the books in order to go to the website to make your own word search. HAVE FUN!!!
Where does a teacher teach at? A.) Fire StationA.) Fire Station B.) Police StationB.) Police Station C.) School C.) School D.) Doctor OfficeD.) Doctor Office
You got the answer right, continue to the next slide!
Click HERE to get the answer to Question 3.HERE HINT: Read the second bullet point on the slide, What do Teachers do?
Helps civil force of national or local governments Is responsible for the prevention and detection of crime Helps to keep maintenance of public order. Call 911 if ever in trouble. Click here to re-try Question 4
Click on the Police badge in order to get the link to decorate your own Police badge. You or an adult will have to print it out first before you can decorate it. You can use any materials that you would like to make it your own.
What number do we use to call the Police? A.) 311A.) 311 B.) 411B.) 411 C.) 711C.) 711 D.) 911D.) 911
You got the answer right, continue to the next slide!
Click HERE to get the answer to Question 4.HERE HINT: Read the fourth bullet point in the slide, What does a Police Officer do?
Please click on the link below to sing a song about Community Helpers. ENJOY!!! en/songs/people-work
The difference between Community Helpers and the jobs that they do to help keep the community safe.
I Hope you all enjoyed learning about Community Helpers!