Volcanic processes
Yes No YesNo Yes No « grey » volcanoes More explosive Andesitic Subductions « red » volcanoes Less explosive Basaltic Intra-plate Volcanic processes and types
Dynamic types related to magma/water interactions Dynamic types related to dissolved bubbles Dynamic types related to domes growth and collapse Dynamic types related to lava flows etc. Destruction of volcanic edifices Complex edifices
Magma viscosity Figure 4-1. a. Calculated viscosities of anhydrous silicate liquids at one atmosphere pressure, calculated by the method of Bottinga and Weill (1972) by Hess (1989), Origin of Igneous Rocks. Harvard University Press. b. Variation in the viscosity of basalt as it crystallizes (after Murase and McBirney, 1973), Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 84, c. Variation in the viscosity of rhyolite at 1000 o C with increasing H 2 O content (after Shaw, 1965, Amer. J. Sci., 263, ).
Mount Saint-Helens: The post-18 May dome
Figure 4-7. Schematic cross section through a lava dome.
Secondary ash fall (+local surges)
Dome growth and collapse Cortex of the dome « chills », interior still hot Steep slopes, local collapse –Breccias –Pyroclastic flows: « block and ash flow » Dense flow, rich in blocks Smaller scale than plinian!!
Montagne-Pelée, Martinique (lesser Antilles)
Saint-Pierre, before
Saint-Pierre, after
Yes No YesNo Yes No « grey » volcanoes More explosive Andesitic Subductions « red » volcanoes Less explosive Basaltic Intra-plate Volcanic processes and types
Dynamic types related to magma/water interactions Dynamic types related to dissolved bubbles Dynamic types related to domes growth and collapse Dynamic types related to lava flows etc. Destruction of volcanic edifices Complex edifices
Lava lakes
Eruptive fissures
Scenic volcanoes! Stromboli (Italy)
Scoria cones
Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion, Indian Ocean)
Cones groupe in Réunion
Puy de Pariou (France) (note also the pelean dome of Puy de Dome at the back)
Scoria cones
Disrupted cones
Cones and lava flows
Etna (Italy)
Strange things lava flows do…
No, there is nobody here – it is just a weird but completely natural shape…
Multiple lava flows Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion, Indian Ocean)
Rift zone
Aa and Pahoehoe
Lava caves
Scoria base