The total number of hours viewed by this target group this week is 6.58 hours Infosys+ data sample Arabs 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to TRP Top Channels Viewership Arabs
The total number of hours viewed by this target group this week is 5.94 hours Infosys+ data sample Emiratis 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to TRP Top Channels Viewership Emiratis
The total number of hours viewed by this target group this week is 6.77 hours Infosys+ data sample Expat Arabs 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to TRP Top Channels Viewership Expat Arabs
The total number of hours viewed by this target group this week is 8.13 hours Infosys+ data sample All Households 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to TRP Top Channels Viewership All Households
Infosys+ data sample All Arabs 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to TRP Top Test Channels Viewership All Arabs
Infosys+ data sample Arabs 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to RTG% Excluding religious programs Top Programs Viewership Arabs
Infosys+ data sample Emiratis 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to RTG% Excluding religious programs Top Programs Viewership Emiratis
Infosys+ data sample Expat Arabs 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to RTG% Excluding religious programs Top Programs Viewership Expat Arabs
Infosys+ data sample All Households 4 th July 2015 – Rank sort according to RTG% Excluding religious programs Top Programs Viewership All Households
Summary tview is responsible for providing estimates of the number of people watching television at any given time in the day, obtained from a panel of television owning households representing the viewing behavior the households within the UAE. The data tview provides includes which channels and programs are being watched, at what time, and the type of people who are watching at any one time. The data provided is on a minute-by-minute basis for channels received within the UAE whether terrestrial, satellite or subscription (Cable/IPTV) based. The representative sample used in this report is gross 850 homes, net 750. This figure is representative of approximately 3.2 million viewers or individuals.
Key Definitions %: RTG%: Measures the popularity of a program, time band, commercial break or advert by comparing its audience to the population as a whole. One TV Rating is equivalent to 1% of a target audience ): RTG(000): Calculated by adding together the audience for each individual minute of a program or time band and dividing it by the program or time band’s total duration. This figure shows results in thousands : Share: (Share of viewing). The percentage of the total viewing audience watching over a given period of time. This can apply to channels and programs.
Key Definitions RCH%:The total accumulated audience who have tuned in on a channel or program for a minimum of one minute. ): RCH(000): The total accumulated audience who have tuned in on a channel or program for a minimum of one minute. This figure shows results in thousands. Viewing Hours: Figures given are at household level Data remains property of Emirates Media Measurement Company. If published or broadcast in part or whole it must be accompanied by a credit or acknowledgement to ‘tview’.