This map shows landforms and bodies of water and natural resources.
This map shows the bodies of Water, major landforms, and natural resources
How The Early People Adapted to The Land. In the early years was the Ice Ages the people had to stay warm and also there weren’t stores like there are now they also had to keep their crops warm. If they didn’t stay warm they would get sick and die and there families couldn’t count on them to hunt and to harvest their crops. They would raise cattle and have a farm to tend to and provide food. Then there was the revolutionary war. After the revolutionary war it made it hard to survive love ones where lost farms were lost houses were lost even the most important leaders were lost. With all of the physical and mental pain it made it hard to live. People where committing their life to have others survive. They make their life shorter for their kid’s life longer
The Spanish discovered and concurred Panama in 1502 through they had to learn to survive on their new land. They had to adapt they had to adapt to the animal to hunt their was they had to adapt to find shelter and how they would find water. Basically how to survive on this new land.
American culture is from immigrants from different countries. The main religions are protestant, catholic, mormon and jewish. American clothes are shorts, jeans, shirt, cowboy clothing, dresses and leather jackets. Americas foods are pizza, steak, chicken, macaroni and sandwiches. American holidays are New Years Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day Thanksgiving Day, Christmas, Easter, Veterans Day and Memorial Day.
Panamas culture is made up of the many countries that have moved there. Fairs and festivals are a strong part of the lifestyle. Music can be heard anywhere. Tropical salsa is very popular. The most popular religion is catholic. Their clothing is the same kind as the U.S. but they don’t wear shorts often. People in Panama eat corn, seafood, and chicken. The holidays are New Years Day, Labor Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Mothers Day, Christmas.
1502- Columbus sails his fourth and last voyage to the new world (Panama and Honduras) Spanish Explorer Rodrigo de Bastidas visits Panama which was home to Ana and Choco Guaymi and other people beginnings of slave trade new world September 25: Vasco