What is a fossil?
What is Paleontology? What is a Paleontologist?
What is the difference between Paleontology and Archaeology?
What is your favorite fossil?
Fossil Activity Instructions Divide up into groups of 4 or 5 Spread the fossils on the table One-by-one, look at each fossil and write down on the handout what kind of fossil it is.
Fossil 1
Megalodon, 50 feet long lived worldwide 2 to 20 million years ago, including Florida Related to Great White shark that lives today oceanlink.island.net
Fossil 2
Sea Biscuit Florida, 35 million years old Sea biscuit today lovingcoastalliving.com
Fossil 3
Fossil sequoia needles and branch, Idaho 10 million years old Sequoia needles today
Fossil 4
Turtle shell fragments, Florida, 2 million years old Florida turtle today
Fossil 5
Fossil horse ankle bone Florida, 18 to 5 million years old Horse today
Fossil 6
Shark back bone Florida 5 to 10 million years old Shark back bone today Bony fish museum.wa.gov.au
Fossil 7
Lamp shell New York, 300 million years old Lamp shell (brachiopod) today
Fossil 8
Shark tooth Florida, 5 million years old Shark jaw and teeth today
Fossil 9
Cowry shell Florida, 1 million years old Cowry today
Fossil 10
Fossil horse tooth Florida, 5 million years old Modern horse jaw
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