Roman Numerals
Developed by Romans
Roman Numerals Use 7 letters as numbers
Roman Numerals I stands for 1
Roman Numerals V stands for 5
Roman Numerals X stands for 10
Roman Numerals L stands for 50
Roman Numerals C stands for 100
Roman Numerals D stands for 500
Roman Numerals M stands for 1,000
Roman Numerals Letters are repeated or used in combination to create numbers. II=2
Roman Numerals The numerals are added if they are the same. III=3
Roman Numerals When a smaller numeral is placed before a larger numeral, the smaller is subtracted from the larger. IV=4
Roman Numerals In a long number, subtraction may take place more than once. MMXIV = 2014
Roman Numerals Use them and you’ll learn them!