Roman Numerals By Abigail Alabaster
My Goals I created this PowerPoint to show what I have learnt about Roman Numerals. I hope you enjoy this presentation!
What are Roman Numerals? Roman Numerals were the standard numbering system in Ancient Rome and Europe until about 900 AD. There was no zero in this system; for there was no symbol.
Are Roman Numerals Still Used Today? Roman Numerals are still used today. They are used on some clocks, the ends of the kings and queens (eg: Queen Elizabeth II), and sometimes just to make writing and official document look a bit more fancy.
Numerals to 10 1=I 2=II 3=III 4=IV 5=V 6=VI 7=VII 8=VIII 9=IX 10=X
Create an Activity I have created a matching game with cards. You have to find the Roman Numeral symbol and it’s matching number.